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Silvano Fashion Group Consolidated Interim Financial Report for Q1 of ...

Silvano Fashion Group Consolidated Interim Financial Report for Q1 of 2024 (unaudited) Silvano Fashion Group Consolidated Interim Financial Report for Q1 of 2024 (unaudited) Selected Financial Indicators Summarized selected financial indicators of the Group for Q1 of 2024 compared to Q1 of 2023 and 31.03.2024 compared to 31.12.2023 were as follows: in thousands of EUR Q1 2024 Q1 2023 Change Revenue 13 904 14 141 -1.7% Gross Profit 7 789 8 124 -4.1% Operating profit 3 548 3 963 -10.5% EBITDA 4 298 4 761 -9.7% Net profit for the period 2 916 1 867 56.2% Ne...


Silvano Fashion Group 2024.aasta I kvartali konsolideeritud vahearuann...

Silvano Fashion Group 2024.aasta I kvartali konsolideeritud vahearuanne (auditeerimata) Põhilised finantsnäitajad Kontserni 2024. aasta I kvartali (võrrelduna 2023. aasta I kvartaliga) ja 31.03.2024 (võrrelduna 31.12.2023) põhilised finantsnäitajad on järgmised: tuhandetes eurodes I kvartal 2024 I kvartal 2023 Muutus Müügitulu 13 904 14 141 -1,7% Brutokasum 7 789 8 124                        -4,1% Ärikasum 3 548 3 963 -10,5% EBITDA 4 298 4 761 -9,7% Aruandeperioodi puhaskasum 2 916 1 867 56,2% Puhaskasum, emaettevõtte omanike osa 2 554 1 616 58,0% Kasu...


Ölgerðin Egill Skallagrímsson hf.: Framboð til stjórnar

Ölgerðin Egill Skallagrímsson hf.: Framboð til stjórnar Aðalfundur Ölgerðarinnar Egill Skallagrímsson hf. verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 23. maí 2024, kl. 16:00, í höfuðstöðvum félagsins að Grjóthálsi 7-11 í Reykjavík. Framboðsfrestur til stjórnar rann út þann 18. maí 2024, kl. 16:00. Eftirtaldir einstaklingar hafa gefið kost á sér til setu í stjórn félagsins: Framboð til aðalstjórnar: Bogi Þór SiguroddssonGerður Huld ArinbjarnardóttirMagnús ÁrnasonRannveig Eir EinarsdóttirSigríður Elín Sigfúsdóttir Er það mat stjórnar að framboðin séu gild, sbr. 63. gr. a. hluta...

Copper For Commercial Investment & Real Estate Development: 1 director

A director at Copper For Commercial Investment & Real Estate Development bought/sold 50,000,000 shares at 0.000EGP and the significance rating of the trade was 68/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all th...

Alexandria Spinning & Weaving: 1 director

A director at Alexandria Spinning & Weaving bought 263,051 shares at 0.000EGP and the significance rating of the trade was 52/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last t...

Arab Cotton Ginning: 1 director

A director at Arab Cotton Ginning bought 490,048 shares at 0.000EGP and the significance rating of the trade was 53/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years c...

Shenzhen Zhengtong Electronics Co.: 2 directors

Two Directors at Shenzhen Zhengtong Electronics Co. bought/maiden bought 186,800 shares at between 5.340CNY and 5.530CNY. The significance rating of the trade was 71/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all...

Calfrac Well Services Ltd: 1 director

A director at Calfrac Well Services Ltd bought 700,000 shares at 4.150CAD and the significance rating of the trade was 94/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two y...

El Nasr Clothes & Textiles(Kabo): 1 director

A director at El Nasr Clothes & Textiles(Kabo) bought/sold 3,373,500 shares at 0.000EGP and the significance rating of the trade was 56/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over ...

Parex Resources Inc: 1 director

A director at Parex Resources Inc sold 200,000 shares at 23.260CAD and the significance rating of the trade was 71/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years cl...

Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd: 1 director

A director at Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd sold 350,000 shares at 0.427CAD and the significance rating of the trade was 61/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two y...

Adentra Inc: 1 director

A director at Adentra Inc bought 3,000 shares at 39.070CAD and the significance rating of the trade was 60/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly sh...

Filo Corp: 2 directors

Two Directors at Filo Corp sold/bought 61,700 shares at between 26.301CAD and 26.700CAD. The significance rating of the trade was 69/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the...

New Peoples Bankshares Inc: 1 director

A director at New Peoples Bankshares Inc bought 29,362 shares at 2.700USD and the significance rating of the trade was 55/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two y...

Real Matters Inc: 1 director

A director at Real Matters Inc bought 8,000 shares at 5.939CAD and the significance rating of the trade was 53/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearl...


Udstedelse af RSU program

Udstedelse af RSU program I overensstemmelse med bemyndigelsen fra generalforsamlingen den 18. april 2024 har bestyrelsen i dag indført et incitamentsprogram for selskabets bestyrelse. Incitamentetprogrammet er designet og struktureret omkring konceptet med at fastholde medlemmer af bestyrelsen samtidig med at der skabes incitament til en positiv aktiekursudvikling og virksomhedens resultater til gavn for selskabets aktionærer. Incitamentsprogrammet inkluderer Restricted Share Units ("RSU'er"), som giver ret til at deltagerne tildeles et antal aktier svarende til antallet af optjente ...

MT Hojgaard Holding AS: 1 director

A director at MT Hojgaard Holding AS sold 3,486 shares at 206.845DKK and the significance rating of the trade was 59/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years ...

Dexterra Group Inc: 1 director

A director at Dexterra Group Inc bought 20,000 shares at 5.400CAD and the significance rating of the trade was 72/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years cle...

Henan Huaying Agricultural Development: 1 director

A director at Henan Huaying Agricultural Development bought 200,000 shares at 1.760CNY and the significance rating of the trade was 58/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over t...

Tidewater Midstream And Infrastructure Ltd: 1 director

A director at Tidewater Midstream And Infrastructure Ltd sold 125,800 shares at 0.600CAD and the significance rating of the trade was 63/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over...

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