EQS-News: The Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm has officially been inaugurated

Issuer: Skyborn Renewables GmbH / Key word(s): Miscellaneous
The Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm has officially been inaugurated

04.03.2025 / 11:32 CET/CEST
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Hamburg, Germany, 04 March 2025

The Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm has officially been inaugurated

  • 640MW sustainable and clean energy
  • Delivering lasting value for all stakeholders
  • Providing clean energy to over 600,000 households
  • Major milestone for Taiwan’s offshore wind energy sector


Skyborn Renewables (Skyborn) and its partners in Yunneng Wind Power Co., Ltd. (Yunneng) are pleased to announce that the Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) has been official inaugurated. With a total capacity of 640 MW installed, the Yunlin OWF is now fully operational and connected to the grid, solidifying its position as one of the region’s largest offshore wind farms. This milestone marks a significant achievement for Taiwan’s offshore wind energy sector, contributing to the nation’s transition towards clean and sustainable energy. Skyborn has been responsible for the development, construction and operation of the Yunlin OWF. Following the commercial operations date (COD), which is envisaged for June 2025, TotalEnergies will take the lead of the technical operations management, while Skyborn will continue to oversee other management services.


The inauguration ceremony was held at the Santiaolun Beach & Water Park in Sihu Township, and offered guests a unique view of the Yunlin OWF, located just 8 km off the picturesque coastline of Yunlin County. Esteemed guests included representatives of the Taiwanese government and authorities, senior executives of the joint venture partners TotalEnergies, Electricity Generating Public Company and Sojitz Corporation as well as financing banks, contractors, suppliers, and media representatives.


  Official inauguration of the 640 MW Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm in Taiwan.

From the left: Masayoshi Fujimoto (CEO, Sojitz), Wong Su-jhen (Chief Secretary of Energy Administration), Chang Ming-ping (Director-General of Investment Promotion Department (MOEA)), Olivier Jouny (Senior Vice President Renewables, TotalEnergies), Cynthia Kiang (Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs), XS Koo (Chairperson,YWPC),   Hsieh Su-ya (Deputy Mayor of Yunlin County), Patrick Lammers (CEO, Skyborn Renewables), Wu Long-jing (Director of Marine Resources Department (Ocean Affairs Council)), Dr. Jiraporn Sirikum (CEO, EGCO)


“With today’s inauguration, we celebrate a significant achievement for Skyborn, our partners in Yunneng, and for Taiwan. The Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm is not any project: It is one of Taiwan’s largest offshore wind farms and Skyborn’s first operational project in APAC. It is the proof of our ability to delivering on our commitments. I want to thank all those involved, especially our partners and shareholders as well as the Taiwanese government for their support throughout this project. The Yunlin OWF is a landmark project for Taiwan’s clean energy transition. We are proud to contribute to this transformative endeavour alongside our partners,” said Patrick Lammers, CEO of Skyborn.


About the project


The Yunlin OWF is located in the Taiwan Strait, between 8 and 17 km off the west coast of Taiwan, at water depths from 7 up to 35 m. The 82 km² project area comprises 80 wind turbine generators, whose generated electricity is fed into the Taiwanese power grid via two onshore substations near the townships of Taixi and Sihu in Yunlin County. Electricity from the project is provided to Taiwan Power Company (TPC) under two 20-year power purchase agreements. The project is backed by a strong financial consortium established in 2019, including Taiwanese and international banks alongside export credit agencies.


Skyborn was awarded the grid capacity for the Yunlin OWF in 2018 as part of the Round II offshore wind farm auction, whereby the Yunlin OWF was the first offshore wind farm in Taiwan to incorporate locally manufactured components.


Skyborn acted as a delivery platform, starting with the initial development and site allocation, through environmental impact assessments, local stakeholder engagement, grid capacity and permitting awards, until construction until its inauguration today. The experience and technology Skyborn introduced as well as the active collaboration with local businesses supported the development of a local Taiwanese supply chain.



Contact for Journalists:

Bénédicte Bergeaud

Senior Director Global Corporate Affairs

+33 (6) 88946817


This press release and press photos are available at


About Skyborn Renewables


Skyborn is an accomplished offshore wind developer and operator with more than 20 years’ experience, headquartered in Germany. The company’s capabilities cover the entire offshore wind value chain, including greenfield development, project engineering and design, procurement, financing, corporate power purchase agreements, construction management and asset management. Skyborn is a portfolio company of New York based Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), a leading infrastructure investor and part of Blackrock.


For more information, visit

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Language: English
Company: Skyborn Renewables GmbH
Stephanitorsbollwerk 3
28217 Bremen
EQS News ID: 2095007

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