ABIONYX Pharma (FR0012616852 - ABNX - PEA PME eligible), a new generation biotech company dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative therapies based on the world’s only natural recombinant apoA-I, announces today that its clinical development in sepsis has been selected as part of the “i-Démo” call for projects under the France 2030 plan, operated by Bpifrance on behalf of the French government.
After 6 months of examining ABIONYX Pharma’s CER-001 Sepsis project, a panel of experts was able to validate and objectify the quality of the project in its scientific, technological and clinical aspects.
The CER-001 Sepsis project represents a strategic cornerstone for ABIONYX Pharma, leveraging its unique expertise to use the only recombinant apoA-I protein in the treatment of the most severe inflammation in the human body.
The ABIONYX Pharma Sepsis project currently operates on two strategic fronts:
- An integrated biomedicine approach: ABIONYX Pharma develops a combined bioproduction/biotherapy approach secured by proprietary patents until 2042 along the entire chain.
- An innovative clinical strategy: circulating apoA-I collapses in situations of severe inflammation. Supplementation with recombinant human apoA-I in these critical situations enables to treat all types of patients, even immuno-depressed patients. Based on the very positive Phase 2a clinical results, the Phase 2b/3 study between the United States and Europe aims to confirm a significant reduction in mortality.
ABIONYX Pharma is the world leader in recombinant apoA-I, the result of 20 years of expertise and innovation in lipid metabolism, bioproduction and the clinical development of this unique bioproduct. With its exceptional know-how, ABIONYX Pharma demonstrated the safety, efficacy and therapeutic potential of apoA-I in critical indications, particularly in LCAT deficiency, a rare disease, and is now exploring the most severe inflammatory diseases such as cytokine storms and severe inflammation in ophthalmology and neurology.
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