AINO Aino Health AB

Aino Health AB (publ): interim report january-june 2024

Aino Health AB (publ): interim report january-june 2024

This document in English is a translation of the original in Swedish. In case of any discrepancy, the Swedish original will prevail.

Extending contracts. Improved cash flow.

January – June 2024

• Net sales were KSEK 12 230 (11 971)

• Profit/loss after financial items was KSEK -4 960 (-5 598)

• Earnings per share were SEK -0,1 (-0,1)

April – June 2024

• Net sales were KSEK 6 236 (5 791)

• Profit/loss after financial items was KSEK -2 017 (-2 807)

• Earnings per share were SEK -0,0 (-0,1)

In the second quarter we continued to increase the number of licences and achieved good results together with our customers. However, the most important story of the second quarter relates to product development and data analytics.

With our ground-breaking technology, we can now identify and present the root causes of sickness absence and employee productivity within companies and organisations.

This will transform management practices worldwide by linking employee performance, wellbeing and productivity. This data analytics module will be rolled out more widely in Q3 and we are committed to helping our clients achieve long-term success by investing in the wellbeing and health of their employees. We believe this not only increases productivity and profitability, but also strengthens relationships within organisations.

Aino have delivered significant value to our clients and their employees and we believe that the new data analytics will provide our clients with the tools to further improve performance, while significantly improving the overall framework for managing employee performance, both within organisations and in terms of stakeholder engagement.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the shareholders who participated in the financing round. This is a good foundation from which to move confidently into the second half of the year. We will continue to work hard, both internally and with our partners, to attract new customers to our services in order to further increase the number of licences and improve profitability.

The information contained herein is such as shall be made public by Aino Health AB (publ), in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information was made public, through the agency of Jyrki Eklund, CEO and President of Aino Health AB, at 08.30 AM CET on august 16, 2024.

For more information

Jyrki Eklund

CEO Aino Health

Phone: 1

Aino Health AB (publ) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm First North Growth Market (Ticker: AINO).

Certified adviser

Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ)

For more information see: 

About Aino Health (publ)

Aino Health is the leading provider of Software as a Service solutions in Corporate Health Management.

The company’s complete system of SaaS platforms and services reduces sick leave, lowers related costs and improves business outcomes through increased productivity and employee engagement by making health, well-being and safety an integral part of daily work. For more information visit




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