Alm. Brand A/S - Completion of proportionate buyback of shares from Foreningen Alm. Brand af 1792 fmba

Alm. Brand A/S - Completion of proportionate buyback of shares from Foreningen Alm. Brand af 1792 fmba

Today, Alm. Brand Group A/S has completed a block buyback of 47,710,542 shares for a total amount of DKK 764,8 million from Foreningen Alm. Brand af 1792 fmba, equivalent to 47.8% of the total share buyback of DKK 1.6 billion announced on 22 January 2025 through company announcement no. 4/2025. The buyback is related to the divestement of Energy & Marine. The block buyback was completed to maintain Foreningen Alm. Brand af 1792 fmba’s percentage ownership interest in Alm. Brand Group A/S following completion of the total share buyback. The block buyback was completed at the closing price of the company’s shares on Nasdaq Copenhagen on 4 March 2025.

In accordance with section 31 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Alm. Brand A/S hereby announces that the portfolio of treasury shares now exceeds 5% of the shares in Alm. Brand A/S.


Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:


Head of IR, Rating and ESG reporting        

Mads Thinggaard                 

Mobile no.         




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