ALT Analytica Ltd.

Analytica Announces Expansion of Enhanced Infusion System into Middle East

Analytica Announces Expansion of Enhanced Infusion System into Middle East

  • Analytica signs agreement with Marwa for distribution, marketing and sales of the Enhanced Infusion System (EIS) in Egypt, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

  • Patented IV add-in infusion system reduces infection and embolism risk and saves medical staff time for an overall lower total cost than existing equipment and practices.

BRISBANE, Australia, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Analytica Limited (ASX:ALT), the Australian developer of the Enhanced Infusion System (EIS) and PeriCoach® pelvic floor exercise system for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, has entered into an agreement with Marwa’s Office for Export & Import Medical Supplies (Marwa) to distribute, market and sell the EIS to hospital systems in Egypt, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

The EIS technology was developed by Analytica under the project names AutoStart and AutoFlush and has been sold in Australia with the trade name FirstFlow™,¹ under limited license. EIS combines the AutoStart and AutoFlush patented technologies into a simple and inexpensive solution.

The patented float system automatically restarts IV fluid flow following medication delivery, thereby saving healthcare workers’ time, reducing hospital costs and preventing the adverse events associated with air embolism and failure of Peripheral Intravenous Catheters (PIVC). The EIS reacts immediately, silently and without intervention or programming. It can be retrofitted to any existing infusion system design and can work in harmony with and improve the capability of any infusion pump or ‘bag’ infusion system, regardless of sophistication.

Use of the EIS uniquely allows a completely closed infusion system, with integrity achieved by reducing the interactions believed to cause mechanical and vascular complications as well as good flushing and/or patency practice.

The EIS has an Australian TGA ARTG registration and USFDA 510(k) clearance. It is fully compliant with ISO 8536 infusion system and other relevant standards.

The EIS can markedly reduce legal risks by addressing multiple factors that can impact patients, clinicians and hospitals, including:

  • Air Embolism – The EIS has a large and heavy float valve ensuring complete, long-term seal. The unique float maintains a seal even at extreme angles (up to 60 degrees from horizontal), making the device usable in ambulances, retrieval and military situations and reducing the risk of mortality and morbidity associated with air embolism.
  • Open/Closed Delivery System – The needle-free access port is the only entry point, with only one syringe necessary per medication event. Using the existing 1L IV bag means replacement is less frequent than 100mL pre-mix bags, saving time and money and reducing the risk of contamination and infection.
  • Syringe Flush – This feature eliminates the requirement to introduce an additional flushing syringe and bolus. Flushing prevents interactions between incompatible fluids/medications, thus reducing the risk of cross contamination and strengthening infection control.
  • Catheter Flush – This feature reduces the risk of PIVC failure with the automatic, immediate restart of IV flow after medication delivery, which allows continuous maintenance flow to the flush line and catheter. This also maintains catheter patency by preventing internal luminal occlusion.
  • Medication Dilution – The Interrupted Therapy feature allows the introduction of medication through EIS to accurately measure IV fluid mix rather than 3-way valve and bags.
  • Infection Risk – Observational studies demonstrate high incidence of non-conformance to hand washing and flushing protocol. EIS limits access and infection opportunity.
  • Flushing pressure – Bolus flush of catheter may vary based on syringe size and pressure. The proprietary float design ensures constant flushing pressure, reducing the risk of PIVC failure.

Given the health and legal risk-reduction features of the EIS, the home-based hospital care market represents a growth opportunity globally. The EIS is compact, rugged and does not require a pump or energy source, which makes it suitable for retrieval, military and third world needs without compromising risk.

To view a video about the operation and features of the EIS, please click .

Marwa’s Principal has extensive experience with the Egyptian health system, as a consultant and undersecretary of health for the Egyptian Health Insurance Organization Clinics (HIO) as well as leadership positions in the Egyptian Ministry of Health.

“Marwa has presented a compelling opportunity with experienced professionals to take Analytica’s Enhanced Infusion System (EIS) into a large and growing market in the Middle East,” said Dr. Michael Monsour, Chairman of Analytica Ltd. “We look forward to working with Marwa to expand the usage of our unique EIS technology.”

For more information about Analytica and the Enhanced Infusion System, visit

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For media inquiries, please contact: Annie Starr,

About Analytica Limited

Analytica is a product development and commercialisation company based in Brisbane, Australia that is focussed on Class I and II medical device products.

Analytica is the developer of the Enhanced Infusion System (EIS), a combination of patented technologies developed under the project names AutoStart and AutoFlush. The EIS is a simple and inexpensive IV add-in technology to decrease nursing monitoring costs, reduce embolism risk, improve infection control, and automatically restart flow after medication delivery during intravenous fluid infusion.

Analytica is also the manufacturer of the PeriCoach® System, an e-health treatment system for women who suffer stress urinary incontinence. This affects 1 in 3 women worldwide and is mostly caused by trauma to the pelvic floor muscles because of pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.


¹ Trademark of ICU Medical Australia.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at



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