BN Danone SA

Danone: Information on the total number of voting rights and shares

Danone: Information on the total number of voting rights and shares


French Société anonyme with a capital of €169,888,497,75.

Registered Office: 17, boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris.

Registered with the Paris Commerce and Company Registry under number 552 032 534

Information on the total number of voting rights and shares

in compliance with Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (AMF- Autorité des Marchés Financiers)

DateTotal number of sharesTotal number of voting rights



Total number of theoretical voting rights(1) : 701,124,112

Total number of exercisable voting rights(2) : 665,718,380

(1) The total number of theoretical voting rights (or “gross” voting rights) is used as the basis for calculating the crossing of shareholding thresholds. In accordance with Article 223-11 of the AMF General Regulation, this number is calculated on the basis of all shares to which voting rights are attached, including shares whose voting rights have been suspended.

(2) The total number of exercisable voting rights (or ”net” voting rights) is calculated without taking into account the shares with suspended voting rights. It is published to ensure that the public is properly informed in accordance with the recommendation made by the AMF on July 17, 2007.





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Reports on Danone SA

Delphine Brault ... (+2)
  • Delphine Brault
  • Quentin Borie


Iberdrola is the strategic benchmark in the universe of integrated utilities. Since 2001, the group has pursued a resilient strategy of profitable growth (renewables and networks), geographic expansion and attractive shareholder returns (TSR average annual of 17.9%). But based on the strong share's performance and the low residual upside on our target price of € 15.30, we have lowered our rating to Neutral vs Outperform. - ...

Delphine Brault ... (+2)
  • Delphine Brault
  • Quentin Borie


Iberdrola est la référence stratégique dans le secteur des utilities intégrées. Depuis 2001, le groupe poursuit une stratégie résiliente de croissance rentable (renouvelable et réseaux), d’expansion géographique et de rémunération attractive des actionnaires (TSR annuel moyen 17.9%). Toutefois, la forte performance du titre et le faible potentiel résiduel à notre objectif de cours de 15.3 €, nous amènent à abaisser l’opinion à Neutre vs Surperformance. - ...

Pierre Tegner
  • Pierre Tegner

Danone : Offer for Lifeway Foods: a deal that might reassure on M&A ri...

>Outperform rating maintained despite the return of M&A risk - Outperform rating maintained with a target price of € 71. We continue to see Danone as a multi-year re-rating story as and when the improvement in operational execution is confirmed quarter after quarter and the group establishes a dynamic of profitable, steady and resilient growth. The repositioning of the product ranges and brands (category management) implemented since the arrival of the new CEO has bee...

Pierre Tegner
  • Pierre Tegner

Danone : Offre sur Lifeway Foods : une opération qui pourrait rassurer...

>Surperformance maintenue malgré le retour du risque M&A - Surperformance maintenue avec un OC de 71 €. Nous continuons de voir Danone comme une histoire de rerating pluriannuel à mesure que l’amélioration de l’exécution opérationnelle se confirme trimestre après trimestre et que le groupe rentre dans une dynamique de croissance rentable régulière et résiliente. Le repositionnement des gammes et des marques (category management) mis en place depuis l’arrivée du nouvea...

Pierre Tegner
  • Pierre Tegner

Danone : General Mills sells Yoplait to Lactalis and Sodiaal in the US...

>Outperform maintained and target price raised to € 71 - Outperform rating maintained and target price raised to € 71 (DCF). The stock has clearly stood out over the past three months compared to the major European Food HPC stocks and some investors remain vigilant, as do we, about the M&A opportunities that the group could seize after two years of refocusing and the recovery of operational discipline. While upside may appear limited in the very short term, we still a...

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