CO Casino Guichard-Perrachon SA

Casino Group enters into exclusive negotiations with Auchan Retail France and Rocca with a view to selling its Corsican subsidiary Codim 2

Casino Group enters into exclusive negotiations with Auchan Retail France and Rocca with a view to selling its Corsican subsidiary Codim 2

Casino Group enters into exclusive negotiations with Auchan Retail France and Rocca with a view to selling its Corsican subsidiary Codim 2

Paris, 14 June 2024

The Casino group announces that it has entered into exclusive negotiations with Auchan Retail France and Rocca with a view to selling its subsidiary Codim 2 which operates in Corsica 4 hypermarkets, 9 supermarkets, 3 cash & carries and 2 drive-throughs, having achieved a turnover excluding taxes of 332 million euros in 2023.

The Casino group intends to conduct these discussions in the best interests of Codim 2 and its employees, as well as its local partners.

All activities, employees and support functions would be taken over and operated under the Auchan banner.

The proposed sale will be submitted to the employee representative bodies involved and competent competition authorities.



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