DOV1V Dovre Group

Suvic re-organizes its Executive Management team

Suvic re-organizes its Executive Management team

Dovre Group Plc        Press release        March 12, 2025, at 9:45 am

Suvic re-organizes its Executive Management team

After reporting extensive losses from two projects in Sweden, Suvic Oy has decided to make changes in the Executive Management of the company.

The company will initiate the search for a new CEO immediately. The current CEO Ville Vesanen continues in the position until a replacement has been hired. He will then assume the role of COO (Chief Operating Officer).

Suvic’s CFO Ville Kemppinen will also step down and the search for a new CFO will be initiated. He remains committed to carrying out the CFO duties until a controlled handover to his replacement has been completed.

Ilari Koskelo, Vice Chairman of Dovre’s Board of Directors, joins Suvic’s management team to support the operational and financial performance of Suvic together with its current management. He will join the company as of 17.3.2025 with physical presence at the main office in Oulu.

Suvic has recently secured large scale renewable energy construction projects in its home territory in Finland. With the adjusted management model, the company is confident about successful delivery of these projects.

Dovre Group Oyj holds 51% of the shares in Suvic.

For further information, please contact:

Dovre Group Plc

Sanna Outa-Ollila, Acting CEO

Tel. 0

Ilari Koskelo, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Tel. 8

Dovre Group is a provider of renewable energy project development and construction projects in wind, solar, battery energy storage systems and heat pump facilities in the Nordic countries through Group companies Suvic Oy and Renetec Oy. In addition, Proha Oy provides project management software with related services and eSite provides industrial virtual reality services. The estimated sales for the Group in 2024 were approximately 99 MEUR and it employs around 200 people. Website:


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd

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