Baltic Horizon Fund

Baltic Horizon Fund plans to redeem early part of the bonds

Baltic Horizon Fund plans to redeem early part of the bonds

Baltic Horizon Fund hereby announces that it plans to redeem the third part of the bonds in the total nominal amount of EUR 7,999,999.40 on 8 July 2024. The redemption is planned to be carried out by way of decreasing the nominal value of the bonds and the new nominal value would be EUR 52,380.9524 per bond. The amount payable to investors per one Bond is EUR 19,424.01, including redemption payment and accrued but unpaid interest. The total nominal amount of the bonds before the redemption is EUR 29,999,999.40 and after the redemption would be EUR 22,000,000. The list of bondholders will be fixed at the end of the working day of the Nasdaq CSD settlement system on 1 July 2024.

For additional information, please contact:

Tarmo Karotam

Baltic Horizon Fund manager


Baltic Horizon Fund is a registered contractual public closed-end real estate fund managed by Alternative Investment Fund Manager license holder Northern Horizon Capital AS. Both the Fund and the Management Company are supervised by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority.

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