ELAN B Elanders AB Series B

Elanders announces date for the report on the second quarter 2024 and conference call

Elanders announces date for the report on the second quarter 2024 and conference call

Elanders will issue its report on the second quarter 2024 on Friday 12 July, 2024, at 07:30 CET, followed by a conference call at 09:00 CET, hosted by Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO, and Åsa Vilsson, CFO.

We invite fund managers, analysts and the media to participate in the conference call.

To join, register your details using the registration link below. Once registered, you will receive a separate email containing dial in number(s) and PINs.


08:50 Conference number is opened

09:00 Presentation of the quarterly report

09:20 Q&A

10:00 End of the conference

During the conference call a presentation will be held. To access the presentation, please use this link:

For further questions, please contact

Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO, telephone: 0

Åsa Vilsson, CFO, telephone: 0




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Reports on Elanders AB Series B

ABGSC Services Research ... (+3)
  • ABGSC Services Research
  • Adrian Gilani
  • Derek Laliberté

Elanders implements structural measures regarding its road transport o...

Elanders implements structural measures regarding its road transport operations in Germany, which entails one-off costs of approximately MSEK 45 As part of the Group's strategy to increase the share of value-added services within contract logistics and technical logistics and reduce the share of services with lower profitability, Elanders will implement structural measures at the end of the fourth quarter of 2024. These measures will also reduce the exposure to the Automotive customer segment, which is facing extensive structural challenges. This means that a large part of the Group's road...


Elanders genomför strukturåtgärder avseende vägtransportverksamheten i...

Elanders genomför strukturåtgärder avseende vägtransportverksamheten i Tyskland, vilket medför engångskostnader om cirka 45 Mkr Som ett led i koncernens strategi att öka andelen värdeadderande tjänster inom kontraktslogistik och teknisk logistik samt minska andelen tjänster med lägre lönsamhet genomför Elanders strukturåtgärder under slutet av det fjärde kvartalet 2024. Dessa åtgärder kommer även att minska exponeringen mot kundsegmentet Automotive som står inför omfattande strukturella utmaningar. Detta innebär att en stor del av koncernens vägtransportverksamhet i Tyskland kommer att avv...


Elanders AB changes liquidity provider to Carnegie Investment Bank AB ...

Elanders AB changes liquidity provider to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) Elanders today announces that the company is changing liquidity provider from ABG Sundal Collier AB to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) ("Carnegie") as of January 2, 2025. Elanders has entered into an agreement with Carnegie regarding the role as liquidity provider. Carnegie will commence the role on January 2, 2025. Until then, ABG Sundal Collier AB will continue to act as liquidity provider for the company. The liquidity provider commitment is provided in accordance with Nasdaq Stockholm AB’s rules for liquid...


Elanders AB byter likviditetsgarant till Carnegie Investment Bank AB (...

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