Elis: Annual shareholders meeting of May 23, 2024

Elis: Annual shareholders meeting of May 23, 2024

General Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of May 23, 2024

Saint-Cloud, 23 May 2024 – The Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of Elis, chaired by Thierry Morin, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, in the presence of the members of the Management Board, was held on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at Maison des Travaux Publics, 3 rue de Berri, 75008 Paris, France.

The quorum was 83.56% and the shareholders approved all the resolutions put to the vote.

The General Meeting approved the annual and consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2023 and the distribution of a sum of €0.43 per share. The amount will be detached on May 27, 2024 and paid on May 29, 2024.

The shareholders approved:

  • The reappointment of Amy Flikreski and Fabrice Barthélemy as Supervisory Board member, for a term of four years, i.e., expiring at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting that will be held in 2028 with respect to the approval of the 2027 annual accounts;
  • The ratification of cooptation of BWGI as member of the Supervisory Board, for the remaining term of office of his predecessor, Magali Chessé, i.e. until the general meeting that will be held in 2027 with respect to the approval of the 2026 annual accounts.

The Supervisory Board of Elis counts 12 members, of which 8 are independent, 5 are women and 2 employee representatives. The composition of the Board offers complementary experiences and reflects the diversity policy pursued by the Group.

The shareholders also approved the compensation policy of the Company’s executive officers for 2024 (i.e. the President and members of the Management Board and the President and members of the Supervisory Board), the information referred to in Article L.22-10-9 of the French commercial Code in respect of the ex-post vote on the compensation of all corporate officers and approved the fixed, variable and exceptional elements of total compensation and benefits of any kind paid or awarded for the financial year of 2023 to the members of the Management Board and the President of the Supervisory Board, in accordance with Article L.22-10-34 of the French commercial Code.

The shareholders approved the renewal of the authorization granted to the Management Board with regard to share buy backs.

The shareholders also approved the renewal of authorization and delegation to be granted to the Management Board concerning the issue of shares and other securities, as well as the delegation of authority to reduce the share capital by cancellation of shares acquired under the share buyback program.

The results of voting on all resolutions submitted to Shareholders are available on the Company’s website: at under “Shareholders Meetings.”


Nicolas Buron

Director of Investor Relations, Financing & Treasury

Phone: + 33 (0)1 75 49 98 30 -

Charline Lefaucheux

Investor Relations

Phone: + 33 (0)1 75 49 98 15 -




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