Company annoucement no.5
Company Announcement No. 5
Date: 12 April 2023
The board of directors of Erria A/S (the “Company”) is pleased to inform that 3 convertible loan note holders have decided to convert their loans into shares in the Company, pursuant to convertible loan notes issued by the Company. Reference is made to company announcements nos. 14/2018 and 18/2018.
As such, the board of directors, have today converted total debt of DKK 1,167,864.62 comprising of the following convertible loans:
- Principal of DKK 505,835.62 issued to Claus Ellegaard A/S.
- Principal of DKK 250,000.00 issued to GK Holding 2000 ApS.
- Principal of DKK 412,029.00 issued to JPJ Invest Pte Ltd.
All loans are converted in accordance with the convertible loan notes, at the agreed conversion rate of DKK 2.40 per share based on the market rate for shares at the time of issue of the convertible loan notes.
As such, the board of directors have, acting under the authorization in section 19.4 of the articles of association, and without pre-emptive subscription rights for existing shareholders, resolved to increase the Company´s share capital with circa 4.48% from DKK 10,863,544 to DKK 11,350,154.00 by conversion of debt, and allocate the new shares pro rata to the above-mentioned convertible loan note holders.
For further information please contact Henrik N. Andersen by phone at .
On behalf of the Company
Søren Storgaard
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Henrik N. Andersen
Group Chief Executive Officer
Certified adviser
Norden CEF A/S
John Norden