FNAC Fnac Darty SA

Fnac Darty: Filing of the 2024 French universal registration document including the annual financial report

Fnac Darty: Filing of the 2024 French universal registration document including the annual financial report

Ivry-sur-Seine, France, March 10, 2025


On March 10, 2025, Fnac Darty filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) its 2024 Universal Registration Document containing the Annual Financial Report in xHTML version.

It also includes:

  • the 2024 Annual Financial Report, including Fnac Darty's corporate accounts and the Group's consolidated financial statements;
  • the Board of Directors' report on corporate governance;
  • the statutory auditors' reports;
  • information relating to the fees paid to the statutory auditors;
  • information relating to the share buyback programme; and
  • sustainability information (including the due diligence plan) as well as the certification report on this information.

The French version of the Universal Registration Document is available on the website of the AMF (-france.org) and on the website of Fnac Darty at the following address: /en/ under the section "Investors".

It is available to the public free of charge under the conditions provided for by the regulations in force. It can also be sent by e-mail upon request sent to .

An English version will be available on the Group's website at a later date.


Operating in 14 countries, Fnac Darty is a European leader in the retail of entertainment and leisure products, consumer electronics and domestic appliances. Since 2021, the Group has accelerated its shift towards a model focused on omnichannel, services, and sustainability. Fnac Darty’s revenue was nearly €8 billion in 2024. With over 30,000 employees and a multi-format network of more than 1,500 stores since the acquisition of Unieuro, the Group is also ranked as a major e-commerce player.

For more information:



Domitille Vielle – Head of Investor relations – – +33 (0)6 03 86 05 02

Laura Parisot – Investor Relations – – +33 (0)6 64 74 27 18





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