HUH1V Huhtamaki Oyj

Huhtamaki appoints Changsheng Wu as Executive Vice President, Procurement

Huhtamaki appoints Changsheng Wu as Executive Vice President, Procurement


Huhtamaki appoints Changsheng Wu as Executive Vice President, Procurement

Changsheng Wu (53), has been appointed Executive Vice President, Procurement and member of the Global Executive Team at Huhtamaki, effective April 1, 2025. He will report to President and CEO Ralf K. Wunderlich and will be based in Espoo, Finland.

Changsheng joins Huhtamaki from Amcor, a packaging company headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, where he has served as Chief Procurement Officer, Amcor Flexibles EMEA and Amcor Global Specialty Carton. Since joining Amcor in 2011, he has held various leadership roles in procurement in the Asia Pacific & EMEA regions. Prior to Amcor, Changsheng held various procurement leadership roles at Unilever in China, The Netherlands, Thailand, and Singapore since joining the company in 1995.

“We are excited to welcome Changsheng Wu as our new Chief Procurement Officer to Huhtamaki and a member of our Global Executive Team. Building on the great achievements of our procurement community over the past years across our business segments, the obvious next step is to bring the procurement organization together under one leadership to continue driving competitiveness to enable us to accelerate profitable growth and capital discipline. Changsheng is an experienced procurement professional with decades of international experience in strategic sourcing and procurement transformation. He is a results-driven leader who believes in clear accountability,” says Ralf K. Wunderlich, President and CEO of Huhtamaki.

“I am truly honored to join Huhtamaki, to be part of its legacy and contribute to its journey of profitable growth,” says Changsheng Wu, newly appointed Executive Vice President, Procurement.

Following the change, the members of the Global Executive Team are:

Ralf K. Wunderlich (Chair), President and CEO;

Salla Ahonen, Executive Vice President, Sustainability and Communications;

Fredrik Davidsson, President, Fiber Foodservice Europe-Asia-Oceania (President, Foodservice Europe-Asia-Oceania from April 1, 2025);

Sara Engber, President, Fiber Packaging (from April 1, 2025);

Thomas Geust, Chief Financial Officer;

Axel Glade, President, Flexible Packaging (from January 1, 2026, at the latest);

Ann O’Hara, President, North America;

Sami Pauni, Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Legal, Group General Counsel;

Johan Rabe, Executive Vice President, Digital and Process Performance;

Ingolf Thom, Executive Vice President, Human Resources and Safety;

Wilhelm Wolff, Executive Vice President, Strategy and Business Development; and 

Changsheng Wu, Executive Vice President, Procurement (from April 1, 2025).

For further information, please contact:

Ralf K. Wunderlich, President & CEO, tel. 8 


Global Communications

About Huhtamaki

Huhtamaki is a leading global provider of sustainable packaging solutions for consumers around the world. Our innovative products protect on-the-go and on-the-shelf food and beverages, and personal care products, ensuring hygiene and safety, driving accessibility and affordability, and helping prevent food waste. We embed sustainability in everything we do.

Huhtamaki has over 100 years of history and a strong Nordic heritage. Our around 18 000 professionals are operating in 36 countries and 101 locations around the world. Our values are Care Dare Deliver. In 2024 Huhtamaki’s net sales totaled EUR 4.1 billion. Huhtamäki Oyj is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki and the head office is in Espoo, Finland. Find out more at .




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