ICEAIR Icelandair Group Holding

Icelandair Group hf. - Annual General Meeting 7 March 2024

Icelandair Group hf. - Annual General Meeting 7 March 2024

Electronic Meeting - Live from Berjaya Iceland Hotels Reykjavik Natura - 4.00 pm

The Board of Directors has decided that Icelandair Group‘s Annual General Meeting on 7 March 2024 will be held electronically, cf. Article 4.6 of the Company‘s Articles of Association. Shareholders who intend to participate in the meeting shall notify the Company with 3 days notice thereof and submit written questions regarding the agenda or documents to be presented at the meeting which they require answers to, cf. Article 4.4 of the Company‘s Articles of Association. Registration at the meeting takes place at /agm. Registered participants will receive information via e-mail prior to the meeting on how to participate and cast their votes together with a link to a live stream of the meeting. The meeting will be live streamed from Reykjavik Natura but will be open for physical attendance. Voting and discussions will be electronic only. [The meeting will be conducted in Icelandic but live English translation will be offered both at the live stream and at Berjaya Iceland Hotels Reykjavik Natura.]


  1. The Board of Director‘s report on Icelandair Group‘s operations in 2023
  2. Confirmation of Annual Accounts and decision on the handling of profit or loss for the financial year
  3. Decision on payments to Board Members
  4. Proposal of the Board of Directors regarding the Remuneration Policy
  5. Report and proposal from the Nomination Committee regarding Board Membership
  6. Election of two members of the Nomination Committee
  7. Election of Board Members
  8. Nomination of Audit Committee Member
  9. Election of Auditors
  10. Share-Based Incentive Program
  11. Changes to the Articles of Association
  12. Authorization to purchase Treasury Shares
  13. Other lawfully submitted matters

    For further information: Ari Guðjónsson, General Counsel

    Email: or Tel:




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Reports on Icelandair Group Holding


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