INR1L INVL Baltic Real Estate AB

Information about shares issued by INVL Baltic Real Estate and votes granted

Information about shares issued by INVL Baltic Real Estate and votes granted

Considering that during the shares buy-back process of INVL Baltic Real Estate (hereinafter – the Company), the Company acquired 45,759 shares for EUR 114,397.50 from the Company's shareholders for which they were paid on 12 December 2024, the Company announces the data on shares issued by the Company as of 12 December 2024:

Type of shares Number of shares and total voting rights granted by the issued shares, units Number of votes for the quorum of the General Shareholders Meeting, units Nominal value, EUR Total nominal

Value and authorised capital, EUR
Portion of the authorised capital, %
Ordinary registered shares 8,061,414 8,015,655 1.45 11,689,050.30 100

The person authorized to provide additional information:

Real Estate Fund Manager of Management Company

Vytautas Bakšinskas




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Reports on INVL Baltic Real Estate AB


Information about shares issued by INVL Baltic Real Estate and votes g...

Information about shares issued by INVL Baltic Real Estate and votes granted Considering that during the shares buy-back process of INVL Baltic Real Estate (hereinafter – the Company), the Company acquired 61,721 shares for EUR 166,646.70 from the Company's shareholders for which they were paid on 24 December 2024, the Company announces the data on shares issued by the Company as of 24 December 2024: Type of shares Number of shares and total voting rights granted by the issued shares, units Number of votes for the quorum of the General Shareholders Meeting, units Nominal value, EUR ...


Informacija apie „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ išleistas akcijas ir suteik...

Informacija apie „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ išleistas akcijas ir suteikiamus balsus Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ (toliau – Bendrovė) akcijų supirkimo proceso metu iš Bendrovės akcininkų įsigijo 61 721 vnt. Bendrovės akcijų už 166 646,70 eurų, už kurias su Bendrovės akcininkais buvo atsiskaityta 2024 m. gruodžio 24 d., Bendrovė skelbia išleistų akcijų duomenis 2024 m. gruodžio 24 dienai: Akcijų klasė Akcijų skaičius ir bendras akcijų suteikiamų balsavimo tiesių kiekis, vnt. Balsų skaičius, skaičiuojant visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo kvorumą (vnt.) Nomina...


INVL Baltic Real Estate will buy-back its own shares

INVL Baltic Real Estate will buy-back its own shares INVL Baltic Real Estate (hereinafter – the Company) finished the share buy-back. The Company will purchase 61,721 shares for the total amount of EUR 166,646.70 (without brokerage fees). The Company could purchase up to 100,000 shares. During the share buy-back 61,721 units of shares were tendered. Final share purchase price, which was determined on the basis of the Dutch auction – EUR 2.70 per share. Share purchase procedure started from 16 December 2024 and was implemented through the market of official tender offers of NASDAQ Vilnius ...


„INVL Baltic Real Estate“ įsigis savų akcijų

„INVL Baltic Real Estate“ įsigis savų akcijų „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ (toliau – Bendrovė) informuoja, kad pasibaigus savų akcijų supirkimui, Bendrovė įsigis 61 721 vnt. akcijų, už kurias bus sumokėta 166 646,70 eurų (be tarpininkavimo mokesčių). Akcijų supirkimui, per kurį galėjo būti maksimaliai supirkta 100 000 vnt. akcijų, pasiūlyta 61 721 vnt. akcijų. Galutinė akcijų supirkimo kaina, kuri buvo nustatyta olandiško aukciono principu  –  2,70 euro už vieną akciją. Akcijų supirkimas per AB NASDAQ Vilnius vertybinių popierių biržos oficialaus siūlymo rinką prasidėjo 2024 m. gruodžio 16 d....


Information about shares issued by INVL Baltic Real Estate and votes g...

Information about shares issued by INVL Baltic Real Estate and votes granted Considering that during the shares buy-back process of INVL Baltic Real Estate (hereinafter – the Company), the Company acquired 45,759 shares for EUR 114,397.50 from the Company's shareholders for which they were paid on 12 December 2024, the Company announces the data on shares issued by the Company as of 12 December 2024: Type of shares Number of shares and total voting rights granted by the issued shares, units Number of votes for the quorum of the General Shareholders Meeting, units Nominal value, EUR ...

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