IREN Investis Holding SA

Annual General Meeting 2024: Shareholders approve all proposals

INVESTIS Holding SA / Key word(s): AGMEGM
Annual General Meeting 2024: Shareholders approve all proposals

18.04.2024 / 19:25 CET/CEST

  • Approval of the 2023 annual financial statements and the distribution of CHF 2.50 per share
  • Approval of the Non-financial Report 2023
  • All members of the Board of Directors re-elected
  • Approval of all proposals relating to compensation


Today, a total of 11,908,536 shares, or 93.04% of the share capital, were represented at the Annual General Meeting of Investis Holding SA at the SIX Convention Point in Zurich.


Approval of the 2023 annual financial statements and the distribution of CHF 2.50 per share

The Annual General Meeting approved the financial statements for 2023. The ordinary dividend of CHF 2.50 gross (CHF 1.625 net) per dividend-bearing registered share was also approved. The dividend will be paid on 24 April 2024 (value date) with an ex-date of 22 April 2024.


Approval of the Non-financial Report 2023

The Annual General Meeting approved the first Non-financial Report 2023.



The Annual General Meeting re-elected all current members of the Board of Directors. The Compensation Committee members, the auditors and the independent proxy were also re-elected.


Approval of all proposals relating to compensation

The Annual General Meeting approved the 2023 compensation report in a consultative vote. In addition, the shareholders approved the total compensation 2024/2025 of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Board for the 2025 financial year in two separate votes.


The Board of Directors consists of the following members: Thomas Vettiger (Chairman), Albert Baehny (Vice Chairman), Corine Blesi, Christian Gellerstad and Stéphane Bonvin.

The Compensation Committee is composed of Albert Baehny (Chairman) and Corine Blesi.

The Audit Committee consists of Christian Gellerstad (Chairman) and Thomas Vettiger.

End of Media Release

Language: English
Company: INVESTIS Holding SA
Neumühlequai 6
8001 Zürich
ISIN: CH0325094297
Listed: SIX Swiss Exchange
EQS News ID: 1884221

End of News EQS News Service

1884221  18.04.2024 CET/CEST



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