KNR1L Kauno Energija

Convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of “Kauno Energija” AB

Convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of “Kauno Energija” AB

By the decision No 2024-6-1 of the Board of  “Kauno Energija” AB (hereinafter - the Company) adopted on 6 March 2024, an Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, company code 235014830, having its registered office at Raudondvario pl. 84, Kaunas, is convened on 29 March 2024.

The date of the Extraordinary General Meeting is March 29, 2024, Friday. Beginning of the Meeting – 11 a.m. The Meeting will take place at Company’s hall at Raudondvario rd. 84, Kaunas. Registration of shareholders begins at 10.30 a.m.

The agenda and the resolution projects for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:

Regarding the election of a member of the supervisory board of the AB Kauno energija.

The resolution projects are as follows:

To elect the winner of the civil servant selection for the position of a member of the supervisory board of the "Kauno energija" AB with competence in the field of finance (financial management, financial analysis or audit) as a member of the supervisory board of the "Kauno energija" AB.

Other information

Authorized capital and voting rights

The authorised capital of the Company is divided into 42,802,143 (forty-two million eight hundred and two thousand one hundred and forty-three) ordinary registered shares. All the shares entitle their holders to exercise a voting right.

Day of reckoning

The recorded date for the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be 22 March 2024. The persons entitled to attend and vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be the persons who are shareholders of the Company at the end of the workday.


The Company does not provide the possibility to attend and vote at the meeting by electronic means.

A person attending the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders must produce a proof of identity. A person who is not a shareholder of the Company, in addition shall furnish the document entitling to vote at the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders. The authorised person shall have the same rights at an Extraordinary General Meeting as the principal shareholder. A shareholder's right to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting shall also include the right to ask questions.

Shareholders entitled to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders may authorise in writing by electronic communication means a natural person or legal entity to attend and vote on their behalf at an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. A shareholder must notify about the issue of the power of attorney in writing by emailing the power of attorney to no later than by the end of a business day on 28 March 2024 (4:30 PM).

Please note that voting on the issues on the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders shall be in the form of a general ballot. If the completed general ballot paper is signed by the person who is not a shareholder, the completed general ballot must be accompanied by a document evidencing the voting right. Properly completed general voting ballot papers must be delivered by post or brought to the Company at Raudondvario pl. 84, Kaunas, before 10:30 AM on 29 March 2024. The Company reserves the right to exclude a shareholder's early vote when calculating votes, if the general ballot paper does not comply with the requirements set forth in Article 30(3) and (4) of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, or if the completed general ballot paper makes it impossible to verify the shareholder's actual intentions in respect of a particular issue.


The agenda of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders may be amended at the discretion of the shareholders whose shares carry at least 1/20 of the total number of votes. Proposals to the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders may be submitted by mail, by emailing  or delivered to the Company's representative office at Raudondvario pl. 84, Kaunas, no later than 14 days before the general meeting of shareholders.

Please note that a proposal to supplement the agenda of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders must be accompanied by a draft decision or, where no decision is required, by the explanations on each proposed issue of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

Shareholders holding at least 1/20 of the total number votes are entitled to propose new draft resolutions in writing on the issues on the agenda of the meeting at any time before or during an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.


Shareholders shall have the right to ask the questions concerning the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. Questions should be emailed to or delivered to the Company’ address at Raudondvario pl. 84, Kaunas, no later than 3 working days before the general meeting of shareholders.

Submission of information

All information required by legislation related to the convened extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, as well as appendices to the issues discussed in the agenda of the meeting, are published on the Company's website at , or the documents can be consulted upon arrival at the Company's headquarters at Raudondvarios rd. 84, Kaunas.

Shareholders of the Company are invited to give priority to accessing the information provided by the Company on the website /bendroves-veikla/ in the section "Information for Investors / Material Events", and to submit their proposals for amending the agenda of the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting by e-mail .

Loreta Miliauskienė, Head of Economic Department, tel.




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