Annual Report 2024


The Annual Report 2024 for A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S is hereby enclosed.

CEO of A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S, Vincent Clerc, states:

“Our ability to navigate shifting circumstances and ensure steady supply chains for our customers was put to the test throughout 2024. Our efforts were rewarded with record-high customer satisfaction. We successfully capitalized on increased demand while enhancing productivity and rigorously managing costs – all of which contributed to our strong financial performance. With three strong businesses – Ocean, Logistics, and Terminals – plus integrated offerings across the supply chain, we are uniquely positioned to support our customers in an era where geopolitical changes and disruptions continue to reinforce the need for resilient supply chains”

Contact persons:

Head of Investor Relations, Stefan Gruber, tel.

Head of Media Relations, Jesper Lov, tel.




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