MCPHY McPhy Energy SA

McPhy Energy: Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares (February 28, 2025)

McPhy Energy: Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares (February 28, 2025)

Translation for information purposes only

In accordance with articles L. 233-8-II of the French Commercial Code and

223-16 of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers General Regulation

Reporting company:

  • Corporate name: McPhy Energy
  • Public Limited company (société anonyme) with Board of Directors
  • Registered office: Aéroparc – 1615 Avenue de la Grande Piste, 90150 Foussemagne
  • Registered under number 502 205 917 R.C.S. Belfort
  • Euronext Growth Paris (ISIN code: FR0011742329 - ALMCP)
Date Total number of outstanding shares Total number of voting rights*
Gross Net
28.02.2025 29,281,788 29,281,788 29,127,166

* Total number of voting rights (i) "gross" calculated on the basis of all the shares to which voting rights are attached, including those deprived of voting rights, (ii) "net" calculated on the basis of all the shares to which voting rights are attached after deduction of those deprived of voting rights


Specialized in hydrogen production equipment, McPhy is contributing to the global deployment of low-carbon hydrogen as a solution for energy transition. With its complete range of products dedicated to the industrial, mobility and energy sectors, McPhy offers its customers turnkey solutions adapted to their applications in industrial raw material supply, recharging of fuel cell electric vehicles or storage and recovery of electricity surplus based on renewable sources. As designer, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen equipment since 2008, McPhy has three development, engineering and production centers in Europe (France, Italy, Germany). Its international subsidiaries provide broad commercial coverage for its innovative hydrogen solutions. McPhy Energy is listed on Euronext Growth Paris (ISIN code: FR0011742329, ticker: ALMCP).



Investor Relations


Emmanuel Huynh

T. +33 (0)1 44 71 94 99


Press Relations

DGM Conseil

Pascal Pogam

T. +33 (0) 6 03 62 27 65

Henry Debreuilly

T. +33 (0) 6 13 11 38 74

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Reports on McPhy Energy SA


McPhy Energy: Monthly information relating to the total number of voti...

McPhy Energy: Monthly information relating to the total number of voting rights and outstanding shares (February 28, 2025) Translation for information purposes only In accordance with articles L. 233-8-II of the French Commercial Code and223-16 of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers General Regulation Reporting company: Corporate name: McPhy Energy Public Limited company (société anonyme) with Board of DirectorsRegistered office: Aéroparc – 1615 Avenue de la Grande Piste, 90150 FoussemagneRegistered under number 502 205 917 R.C.S. BelfortEuronext Growth Paris (ISIN code: FR0011742329 - A...


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