NVJP Umicore

Umicore - Notice of ordinary and special shareholders’ meetings

Umicore - Notice of ordinary and special shareholders’ meetings

Notice of ordinary and special shareholders’ meetings

Umicore invites its shareholders to participate in its ordinary and special shareholders’ meetings which will be held on Thursday April 24th, 2025 at 5 PM CEST at the Umicore offices (rue du Marais-Broekstraat 31, 1000 Brussels). 

The meetings will also be live webcasted without possibility to vote or ask questions during the webcast. The link to access the webcast will be made available  soon.

Proposed changes to the Supervisory Board

After serving 10 years on Umicore’s Supervisory Board, Mr. Mark Garrett announced that he will not seek to renew his mandate at the upcoming 2025 ordinary shareholders’ meeting. The Supervisory Board proposes the appointment of Mrs. Martina Merz as a new independent Supervisory Board member to replace Mr. Garrett for a term of 3 years. Upon her appointment, Mrs. Merz will also join Umicore's Nomination & Remuneration Committee.

Martina Merz, a German citizen, is a distinguished business leader. She was CEO at Thyssenkrupp AG from 2019 till 2023 after having held various executive roles at Robert Bosch GmbH, Brose Group and Chassis Brakes International. She has served as Non-Executive Director on the boards of several listed companies in Europe and is currently non-executive director at Rio Tinto Group and AB Volvo. Mrs. Merz holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Cooperative Education in Stuttgart.

Mr. Laurent Raets, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (GBL), also announced his intention to step down from the Supervisory Board, after having served 6 years on the Board. The Supervisory Board proposes to appoint Mr. Michael Bredael as a new Supervisory Board member to replace Mr. Raets for a term of 3 years, starting at the 2025 Annual General Meeting. Upon his appointment, Mr. Bredael will also join Umicore's Audit Committee and Investment Committee.

Michael Bredael, a Belgian citizen, with both public and private board experience, is Investment Partner at GBL since 2016. Before joining GBL, Mr. Bredael has built extensive expertise in investment banking across different sectors and geographies at BNP Paribas and in consultancy at Towers Watson. He holds a master’s degree in Economic Sciences & Business Management.        

"On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I would like to warmly thank Mark Garett and Laurent Raets for their sharp insights, their crucial support and for sharing their extensive expertise with the Supervisory Board over the past years,” says Thomas Leysen, Chair of Umicore’s Supervisory Board. “I am pleased to propose to the ordinary shareholders’ meeting the appointment of Mrs. Martina Merz as independent director. She would bring a wealth of relevant industrial and governance expertise to Umicore. I am equally happy to propose the appointment of Mr. Michael Bredael whose experience would also be highly valued in the Supervisory Board.”

Annual Report 2024

On March 21th 2025, Umicore published its .

About Umicore

Umicore is the circular materials technology Group. It focuses on application areas where its expertise in materials science, chemistry and metallurgy make a real difference. Its activities are organized in four business groups: Battery Materials, Catalysis, Recycling and Specialty Materials. Each business group is divided into market-focused business units offering materials and solutions that are at the cutting edge of new technological developments and essential to everyday life.

Umicore generates the majority of its revenues and dedicates most of its R&D efforts to clean mobility materials and recycling. Umicore’s overriding goal of sustainable value creation is based on an ambition to develop, produce and recycle materials in a way that fulfils its mission: materials for a better life.

Umicore’s industrial and commercial operations as well as R&D activities are located across the world to best serve its global customer base with more than 11,500 employees. The Group generated revenues (excluding metal) of € 3.5 billion (turnover of € 14.9 billion) in 2024. 

For more information

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