ORA Orange SA

Total number of shares and voting rights at November 30, 2024

Total number of shares and voting rights at November 30, 2024

9 December 2024

Orange: information on the total number of shares and voting rights referred to in Article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and Article 223-16 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

In application of Article L. 22-10-46 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), as from 3 April 2016, a double voting right is automatically granted to fully paid-up shares that have been held in registered form and under a single shareholder name for at least two years.

DateNumber of shares Number of treasury shares without voting rights Theoretical number of voting rights [1]Number of voting rights exercisable
01/31/20242, 660, 056,5992, 014,1453, 154, 643,1353 152, 628,990
02/29/20242, 660, 056,5991, 874,1453, 154, 554,0543, 152, 679,909
03/31/20242, 660, 056,5991, 770,1453, 165, 551,1783, 163, 781,033
04/30/20242, 660, 056,599569,2003, 166, 182,3803, 165, 613,180
05/31/20242, 660, 056,599469,2003, 171, 242,1303, 170, 772,930
06/30/20242, 660, 056,5991, 903,4843, 172, 194,2183, 170, 290,734
07/31/20242, 660, 056,599983 4843, 172, 126,7613, 171, 143,277
08/31/20242, 660, 056,599983 4843, 172, 119,3713, 171, 135,887
09/30/20242, 660, 056,5991, 433,4843, 172, 051,9733, 170, 618,489
10/31/20242, 660, 056,5991, 634,4843, 172, 012,3613, 170, 377,877
11/30/20242, 660, 056,5991, 632,4843, 171, 987,4693, 170, 354,985

[1] Calculated in accordance with the last paragraph of Article 223-11 of the General Regulations, on the basis of all the shares to which voting rights are attached, including shares without voting rights.





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Baptiste Salaville ... (+2)
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