OSE OSE Immunotherapeutics SA

OSE Immunotherapeutics Announces Commercial and Revenue Sharing Agreement in the Field of CAR T-cell Therapies

OSE Immunotherapeutics Announces Commercial and Revenue Sharing Agreement in the Field of CAR T-cell Therapies

OSE Immunotherapeutics Announces Commercial and Revenue Sharing Agreement in the Field of CAR T-cell Therapies

NANTES, France, June 24, 2024 – 7:30am CET - OSE Immunotherapeutics SA (ISIN: FR0012127173; Mnemo: OSE), today announced that the Company has entered into a commercial and revenue sharing agreement with leading global cancer center.

This exclusive and worldwide agreement with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) covers OSE Immunotherapeutics’ patent rights and jointly owned OSE/MSK patent rights in the field of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) cell therapy for the treatment of Interleukin-7 Receptor (IL-7R) expressing cancers, in particular hematological tumors such as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. As part of this agreement, MSK will lead the research, development, and commercialization efforts, and subsequently share potential future revenues with OSE Immunotherapeutics.

Nicolas Poirier, Chief Executive Officer of OSE Immunotherapeutics, said: “We are very pleased to reinforce our collaboration with one of the world’s most renowned US cancer hospitals in oncology and in particular in the field of CAR-T cell therapies. Based on their pioneering expertise in this area, we look forward to the clinical exploration of a potential breakthrough therapy option for IL-7R expressing cancer patients”.

“I am excited for the next steps in translation of IL-7R targeted CARs to clinical trials treating IL-7R expressing tumor bearing patients at MSK," said Prasad S. Adusumilli, MD, FACS, Deputy Chief and Attending, Thoracic Service, and Vice Chair for Translational Research, Department of Surgery, at MSK. Dr. Adusumilli holds the Min H. & Yu-Fan C. Kao Chair in Thoracic Cancer at MSK. His laboratory team investigated and developed therapeutic strategies using IL-7R CAR T cells.

This new agreement is based on the initial multi-year research collaboration between MSK and OSE Immunotherapeutics to explore the preclinical potential of a non-antagonist IL-7R monoclonal antibody directed against the alpha chain of IL-7R used either as a therapeutic antibody or for the design of innovative CAR-T cells for cancer indications expressing high level of IL-7R.

About OSE Immunotherapeutics

OSE Immunotherapeutics is a biotech company dedicated to developing first-in-class assets in immuno-oncology (IO) and immuno-inflammation (I&I).

The Company’s current well-balanced first-in-class clinical pipeline includes:

  • Tedopi® (immunotherapy activating tumor specific T-cells, off-the-shelf, neoepitope-based): this cancer vaccine is the Company’s most advanced product; positive results from the Phase 3 trial (Atalante 1) in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer patients in secondary resistance after checkpoint inhibitor failure. Other Phase 2 trials, sponsored by clinical oncology groups, of Tedopi® in combination are ongoing in solid tumors.
  • OSE-279 (anti-PD1): first positive results in the ongoing Phase 1/2 in solid tumors.
  • OSE-127 - lusvertikimab (humanized monoclonal antibody antagonist of IL-7 receptor); ongoing Phase 2 in Ulcerative Colitis (sponsor OSE Immunotherapeutics); ongoing preclinical research in leukemia (OSE Immunotherapeutics).
  • FR-104/VEL-101 (anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody): developed in partnership with Veloxis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in transplantation; ongoing Phase 1/2 in renal transplant (sponsor Nantes University Hospital); successful Phase 1 in the US (sponsor Veloxis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.).
  • Anti-SIRPα monoclonal antibody developed in partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim in advanced solid tumors and cardiovascular-renal-metabolic diseases (CRM); positive Phase 1 dose escalation results in monotherapy and in combination; Phase 2 in CRM diseases planned to be initiated end of 2024.
  • ABBV-230 (ChemR23 agonist mAb) developed in partnership with AbbVie in chronic inflammation.

OSE Immunotherapeutics expects to generate further significant value from its three proprietary drug discovery platforms, which are central to its ambitious goal to deliver next-generation first-in-class immunotherapies:

  • Pro-resolutive mAb platform focused on targeting and advancing inflammation resolution and optimizing the therapeutic potential of targeting Neutrophils and Macrophages in I&I. ABBV-230 (licensed to AbbVie) is the first candidate generated by the platform, additional discovery programs ongoing on new pro-resolutive GPCRs.
  • Myeloid Checkpoint platform focused on optimizing the therapeutic potential of myeloid cells in IO by targeting immune regulatory receptors expressed by Macrophages and Dendritic cells. BI 765063 and BI 770371 (licensed to Boehringer Ingelheim) are the most advanced candidates generated by the platform. Ongoing additional discovery programs, in particular with positive preclinical results obtained in monotherapy with new anti-CLEC-1 mAbs.
  • BiCKI® Platform is a bifunctional fusion protein platform built on the key backbone component of anti-PD1 combined with a new immunotherapy target to increase anti-tumor efficacy by “cis-potentiating” tumor-specific T cells. A first program has been acquired by Boehringer Ingelheim.
  • mRNA Therapeutic platform allows local delivery into the inflammatory site of innovative immunotherapies encoded by RNA to locally controls and/or suppress immune responses and inflammation.

Additional information about OSE Immunotherapeutics assets is available on the Company’s website: . Follow us on X and LinkedIn


Sylvie Détry

Nicolas Poirier

Chief Executive Officer

French Media: FP2COM

Florence Portejoie

+33 6 07 768 283

U.S. Media Contact

RooneyPartners LLC

Kate Barrette


Forward-looking statements

This press release contains express or implied information and statements that might be deemed forward-looking information and statements in respect of OSE Immunotherapeutics. They do not constitute historical facts. These information and statements include financial projections that are based upon certain assumptions and assessments made by OSE Immunotherapeutics’ management in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends, current economic and industry conditions, expected future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate.

These forward-looking statements include statements typically using conditional and containing verbs such as “expect”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “target”, “plan”, or “estimate”, their declensions and conjugations and words of similar import. Although the OSE Immunotherapeutics management believes that the forward-looking statements and information are reasonable, the OSE Immunotherapeutics’ shareholders and other investors are cautioned that the completion of such expectations is by nature subject to various risks, known or not, and uncertainties which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of OSE Immunotherapeutics. These risks could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed in or implied or projected by the forward-looking statements. These risks include those discussed or identified in the public filings made by OSE Immunotherapeutics with the AMF. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. This press release includes only summary information and should be read with the OSE Immunotherapeutics Universal Registration Document filed with the AMF on April 30, 2024, including the annual financial report for the fiscal year 2023, available on the OSE Immunotherapeutics’ website. Other than as required by applicable law, OSE Immunotherapeutics issues this press release at the date hereof and does not undertake any obligation to update or revise the forward-looking information or statements.




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