PTR1L Panevezio Statybos Trestas AB

AB Panevėžio statybos trestas signed almost a 14 million EUR contract with UAB JPackaging for the construction of a manufacturing building in Radviliškis district

AB Panevėžio statybos trestas signed almost a 14 million EUR contract with UAB JPackaging for the construction of a manufacturing building in Radviliškis district

AB Panevėžio statybos trestas signed almost a 14 million EUR (VAT included) contract with JPackaging, a company of the asset management group TMV Capital, for the construction of a wooden pallet and pallet edging factory in Šeduva Industrial Park, Radviliškis district.

A one-story building with a mezzanine will be built on a 21-hectare plot, the total area of ​​which will be almost 11 thousand sq. m, of which more than 9.7 thousand sq. m are designed for manufacturing purposes. The works are to be completed by the end of November this year.

In addition to the factory, storage areas, access roads, a parking lot, outdoor engineering networks, and auxiliary facilities are also planned to be installed.

The project in Šeduva is included in the list of major projects and is considered a project of national importance.

More information:

Tomas Stukas

Managing Director

Tel.: +370 618 21360



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Reports on Panevezio Statybos Trestas AB


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