RAP1V Rapala VMC Oyj

Rapala VMC updates its segment reporting structure

Rapala VMC updates its segment reporting structure

RAPALA VMC CORPORATION, Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange, December 12, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EET

Following the recent strategic organizational changes to become more agile on all operational levels, Rapala VMC updates its IFRS segment reporting. From December 2024 onwards, reporting segments “Group Products” and “Third Party Products” will be removed. Rapala VMC as a whole is considered as a single operating segment, and the profitability will be presented on Group level. The change aligns reporting with the current business model.

The new reporting structure will be used in Rapala VMC’s full-year financial report January-December 2024.

Rapala VMC Corporation

Lars Ollberg

President and Chief Executive Officer

For additional information, please contact: Tuomo Leino, Investor Relations (tel. )

About Rapala VMC Corporation

Rapala VMC Group is the world’s leading fishing tackle company with a largest distribution network in the industry.   The Group is a global market leader in fishing lures, treble hooks and fishing related knives and tools. The main manufacturing facilities are in Finland, France, Estonia, and the UK. The Group’s brand portfolio includes leading brands in the industry such as Rapala, VMC, Sufix, 13Fishing as well as Okuma in Europe. The group, with net sales of EUR 222 million in 2023, employs some 1 400 people in approximately 40 countries. Rapala VMC Corporation’s share is listed and traded on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange since 1998.



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