REGINN Reginn hf

Heimar hf.: General Meeting March 11, 2025

Heimar hf.: General Meeting March 11, 2025

The General Meeting of Heimar hf. will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 16:00 in Grósku, in the Eiriksdottir Hall, at Bjargargata 1, 102 Reykjavík.

No changes have been made to the agenda and proposals that were published on February 19, 2025.



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Reports on Reginn hf


Heimar hf.: NIB Provides Financing to Heimar

Heimar hf.: NIB Provides Financing to Heimar Heimar hf. (“Heimar” or the “Company”) has signed a loan agreement with the Nordic Investment Bank (“NIB”). The loan has a 12-year term, amounts to ISK 4.5 billion, and is inflation-indexed. The loan is provided to finance three sustainable and significant infrastructure projects undertaken by Heimar: the Sunnuhlíð Health Hub in Akureyri, the expansion of the Sóltún nursing home in Reykjavík, and Silfursmári 12, a newly environmentally certified office building in Kópavogur. Sunnuhlíð 12 – Renovations In recent years, Heimar has been transform...


Heimar hf.: NIB veitir Heimum fjármögnun

Heimar hf.: NIB veitir Heimum fjármögnun Heimar hf. („Heimar“ eða „félagið“) hafa undirritað lánasamning við Norræna fjárfestingarbankann („NIB“). Lánið er til 12 ára að fjárhæð 4,5 og er verðtryggt. Lánið er veitt til fjármögnunar á þremur sjálfbærum og mikilvægum innviðaverkefnum Heima; heilsukjarnanum Sunnuhlíð á Akureyri, stækkun á hjúkrunarheimilinu Sóltúni í Reykjavík og Silfursmári 12, sem er ný umhverfisvottuð skrifstofubygging í Kópavogi. Sunnuhlíð 12 – endurbætur Undanfarin ár hafa Heimar verið að umbreyta fyrrum verslunarmiðstöð í nútímalega 4.830 m² heilbrigðis- og l...


Heimar hf.: Candidacy for the Board of Directors and the Nomination Co...

Heimar hf.: Candidacy for the Board of Directors and the Nomination Committee at the Annual General Meeting on March 11, 2025 The Annual General Meeting of Heimar hf. ("Heimar" or the "Company") will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at Gróska, in the Eiríksdóttir Hall, Bjargargata 1, 102 Reykjavík, at 16:00. Pursuant to the deadline for the submission of candidacies to the Board of Directors and the Nomination Committee of the Company, which expired on March 4, 2025, the following individuals have submitted their candidacies: Candidates for the Board of Directors:Benedikt OlgeirssonBry...


Heimar hf.: General Meeting March 11, 2025

Heimar hf.: General Meeting March 11, 2025 The General Meeting of Heimar hf. will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 16:00 in Grósku, in the Eiriksdottir Hall, at Bjargargata 1, 102 Reykjavík. No changes have been made to the agenda and proposals that were published on February 19, 2025.


Heimar hf.: Acquisition of Exeter Hotel Properties

Heimar hf.: Acquisition of Exeter Hotel Properties Heimar hf. ("Heimar" or the "Company") has signed an agreement to acquire all shares in Tryggvagata ehf. The sellers are MF2 hs. and Laxamýri ehf. Tryggvagata ehf. owns the properties at Tryggvagata 14 and Tryggvagata 10 in downtown Reykjavík, with a total floor area of approximately 5,500 m². These are modern buildings, constructed in 2018, and are located within Heimar’s designated core areas. The acquisition aligns with the Company's strategic priorities. The transaction involves the purchase of a 106-room, four-star hotel in downtown ...

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