REJA Reply S.p.A.

Storm Reply Announces AWS Industrial Software Competency Premier Consulting Partner Achievement

Storm Reply, specialized in the design and implementation of innovative Cloud-based solutions and services, announced today that it has achieved status. This designation recognizes that Storm Reply has demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success supporting solutions targeting one or more of the primary steps in discrete manufacturing or process industries in Product Design, Production Design, or Production/Operations - Smart Factory.

These highly specialized APN Consulting Partners support APN Technology Partners in the by deploying, managing and building on top of these solutions for industrial customers.

The AWS Industrial Software Competency for Consulting APN Partners applies to solutions that support the core value generation processes in Discrete/Process Manufacturing, Electricity, Gas & Water Supply, and Construction.

The helps customers identify and choose the world’s top APN Partners that have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success in specialized solution areas, industries, and workloads.

To achieve the AWS Competency designation, APN Partners undergo a rigorous technical validation related to industry-specific technology. This validation gives customers complete confidence in choosing APN Partner solutions from the tens of thousands in the AWS Partner Network.

“Storm Reply is proud to be one of the first APN Partners to achieve AWS Industrial Software Competency status,” said Filippo Rizzante, CTO at Reply. “Our team is dedicated to helping industrial customers build end-to-end advanced solutions that provide real-time production monitoring, process analytics, and artificial intelligence powered optimization algorithms leveraging the agility of AWS.”

AWS is enabling scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions for startups to global enterprises. To support the seamless integration and deployment of these solutions, AWS established the AWS Partner Competency Program to help customers identify Consulting and Technology APN Partners with deep industry experience and expertise.

Storm Reply offers deep knowledge of business processes in the field of industrial and manufacturing technologies. Thanks to that, it supports its customers in the entire journey toward Industry 4.0 evolution by designing and implementing data ingestion from industrial field, existing Manufacturing Execution System (MES), and data storage into Big Data platforms to performs data analytics and machine learning.

As a Premier Consulting APN Partner, Storm Reply offers solutions that leverage IoT, Edge Computing, Big Data and Serverless paradigms on AWS Cloud to provide flexibility and scalability. These solutions are fully powered by AWS Services such as AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS Lambda.

About Storm Reply

Storm Reply is specialized in the design and implementation of innovative Cloud-based solutions and services. Through consolidated expertise in the creation and management of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS) Cloud solutions, Storm Reply supports important companies in Europe and all over the world in the implementation of Cloud-based systems and applications. Storm Reply is AWS Premier Consulting Partner.



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