SalMar - Utvidelse av sertifikatlån

SalMar - Utvidelse av sertifikatlån

Viser til børsmelding sendt tirsdag 10. september 2024.

SalMar ASA (med rating  BBB+ by Nordic Credit Rating) har fullført en NOK 500 000 000

utvidelse av sitt sertifikat NO001333484 til et totalt utestående beløp på NOK 1 milliard.

Innbetalingsdato: 13. september 2024

Forfall: 13. mars 2025

Kupong: 5,13 % p.a.

Tilrettelegger: DNB Markets

For mer informasjon, kontakt:

Håkon Husby

Head of Investor Relations

Tel: +47 936 30 449


Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.



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Reports on SalMar ASA

Alexander Aukner
  • Alexander Aukner

Introduction to the salmon sector

This report provides an overview of the dynamics, companies, history, challenges and opportunities of the salmon farming industry. Biological challenges and stricter regulations over the past decade have curbed the supply of salmon, a globally consumed product with a strong ESG angle. Significant infrastructure investments made by the companies to solve these challenges have not yet yielded materially higher supply, leading to continued high salmon prices. Despite higher EBIT margins the sector ...


SalMar - Extension of Commercial Paper

SalMar - Extension of Commercial Paper Reference is made to the stock exchange notice sent Tuesday 10 September 2024.SalMar ASA (rated BBB+ by Nordic Credit Rating) has completed a NOK 500,000,000 tap issue of its commercial paper NO0013334847 to a total outstanding amount of NOK 1 bn.  Settlement date: 13 September 2024 Maturity date: 13 March 2025 Coupon: 5.13 % p.a. Manager: DNB Markets For more information, please contact:Håkon Husby Head of Investor RelationsTel: +47 936 30 449 Email: This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Nor...


SalMar - Utvidelse av sertifikatlån

SalMar - Utvidelse av sertifikatlån Viser til børsmelding sendt tirsdag 10. september 2024. SalMar ASA (med rating  BBB+ by Nordic Credit Rating) har fullført en NOK 500 000 000 utvidelse av sitt sertifikat NO001333484 til et totalt utestående beløp på NOK 1 milliard. Innbetalingsdato: 13. september 2024Forfall: 13. mars 2025Kupong: 5,13 % p.a.Tilrettelegger: DNB Markets For mer informasjon, kontakt: Håkon HusbyHead of Investor RelationsTel: +47 936 30 449 Email: Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.


SalMar - Issuance of Commercial Paper

SalMar - Issuance of Commercial Paper SalMar ASA (rated BBB+ by Nordic Credit Rating) has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 500,000,000. Issue date: 13 September 2024 Maturity date: 13 March 2025 Coupon: 5.13 % p.a. Manager: DNB Markets For further information, please contact: Håkon Husby, Head of Investor Relations Tel: Email: (mailto: ) About SalMarSalMar is one of the world's largest and most efficient producers of salmon. The Group has farming operations in Central Norway, Northern Norway and Iceland, as well as substantial harvesting and secondary processing operations. In ad...

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