SLXIT Seluxit

General Assembly in Seluxit A/S, 22nd of October 2019

General Assembly in Seluxit A/S, 22nd of October 2019

General Assembly in Seluxit A/S, 22nd of October 2019

Company Announcement No. 14 

Aalborg, 22. October 2019 

The general meeting of Seluxit A / S was held today, the 22nd of October 2019, where the following was decided in accordance with the agenda items.

  • The General Meeting took note of the Board of Directors' report, approved the Company's audited annual report for 2018/19 and gave discharge to the Company's Executive Board and Board of Directors.
  • The Board of Directors' proposal that the negative result for the year be carried forward to the next financial year, as described in the annual report, was approved
  • The Board of Directors' proposal for remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors in the financial year 2019/20 was approved.
  • The Board of Directors' proposal to reduce the number of board members from 4 to 3 was approved. Mille Tram Lux, was re-elected to the Board. Torben Storgaard and Peter Lyck were elected as new members of the Board of Directors.
  •  Ernst & Young (CVR-nr. 30 70 02 28) was re-elected as company’s auditor.
  • The proposal of changes to the Articles of Association in Seluxit A/S, with the introduction of ”Næstformand” in section 8.3. and 8.5, was approved.
  • The proposal for amendments to "General guidelines for incentive pay in Seluxit A/S" and the correction of consequences in section 12.1 of the articles of association with the date of approval of "Overall guidelines for incentive pay in Seluxit A/S", was approved.

Immediately after the general meeting, the Board of Directors appointed Torben Storgaard as Chairman and Peter Lyck as Vice Chairman.

Further information: CEO Daniel Lux.

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Seluxit A/S

Hjulmagervej 32B

9000 Aalborg





CVR/VAT nr. 29388237
Certified Adviser

Norden CEF ApS, V/ John Norden

Kongevejen 365, 2840 Holte





CVR/VAT nr. 31933048

About Seluxit:

Seluxit is an Internet of Things (IoT) solution provider. We help product manufacturers connect their physical products to the Internet, and benefit from the value of data.  Seluxit’s vision is to be a major contributor to the story of the Internet of Things — how we humans can orchestrate connected products to improve our lives, while preserving our security and privacy.



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