SPNO Spar Nord Bank AS

Managers transactions

Managers transactions


Company announcement no. 39

Managers transactions

Spar Nord Bank A/S hereby reports on transactions in Spar Nord Bank A/S shares carried out by persons who have a duty of disclosure, in compliance with Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation.

For further details, please be referred to the attached templates for notification.




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Reports on Spar Nord Bank AS


Aktietilbagekøb i Spar Nord Bank – transaktioner i uge 25

Aktietilbagekøb i Spar Nord Bank – transaktioner i uge 25          Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 42          Spar Nord offentliggjorde i selskabsmeddelelse nr. 10 2024 et aktietilbagekøbsprogram på op til 500 mio. kr. Aktietilbagekøbet blev indledt 12. februar 2024. Aktietilbagekøbet sker med henblik på at nedsætte bankens aktiekapital med de under programmet købte aktier, og foretages i henhold til EU-Kommissionens forordning nr. 596/2014 af 16. april 2014 (”Markedsmisbrugsforordningen”). Under aktietilbagekøbsprogrammet er der i foregående uge gennemført følgende transaktioner:  Antal AktierGe...


Share buybacks in Spar Nord Bank – transactions in week 25

Share buybacks in Spar Nord Bank – transactions in week 25 Company announcement no. 42  In company announcement no. 10 2024, Spar Nord announced a share buyback programme of up to DKK 500 million. The share buyback was initiated on 12 February 2024. The purpose of the share buyback is to reduce the bank’s share capital by the shares acquired under the programme, and the programme is executed pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 (“Market Abuse Regulation”). In last week the following transactions were made under the share buyback programme.  Number of sharesAverage purc...

Spar Nord Bank A/S: Update following affirmation and change of outlook...

Our credit view of this issuer reflects its strong liquidity buffer and its low dependence on market funding, offset by its high cost to income ratio compared to peers.


Spar Nord opjusterer finansielle forventninger

Spar Nord opjusterer finansielle forventninger Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 41  Spar Nord hæver forventningerne for årets basisindtjening før nedskrivninger til 2.600-3.000 mio. kr. og for resultat efter skat til 1.950-2.250 mio. kr. I årsrapporten for 2023 udtrykte Spar Nord en forventning til basisindtjeningen før nedskrivninger for hele 2024 på 2.400-2.900 mio. kr., mens årets nettoresultat forventedes at blive i niveauet 1.700-2.100 mio. kr. Primært på baggrund af højere nettorenteindtægter, herunder en højere markedsrente end forventet ved indgangen til året, opjusterer Spar Nord sin ...


Spar Nord upgrades its financial guidance

Spar Nord upgrades its financial guidance Company announcement no. 41  Spar Nord upgrades its full-year guidance for core earnings before impairment to DKK 2,600-3,000 million and for profit after tax to DKK 1,950-2,250 million. In its 2023 Annual Report, Spar Nord guided for full-year 2024 core earnings before impairment of DKK 2,400-2,900 million and profit after tax in the DKK 1,700-2,100 million range. Primarily on the back of higher net interest income, including higher market rates than expected going into 2024, Spar Nord upgrades its full-year guidance for core earnings before...

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