Tremont Mortgage Trust (Nasdaq:TRMT) today announced that David M. Blackman has been elected as a Managing Trustee of TRMT effective March 9, 2018 to fill a vacancy on the Board.
Mr. Blackman (age 55) is Chief Executive Officer of TRMT and President and Chief Executive Officer of TRMT’s manager, Tremont Realty Advisors LLC, an SEC registered investment adviser. In addition, Mr. Blackman is Executive Vice President of The RMR Group LLC and has served as president, chief operating officer and chief financial officer of other publicly traded real estate investment trusts managed by The RMR Group LLC. Prior to joining The RMR Group in 2009, Mr. Blackman was a real estate banker at Wachovia Corporation and its predecessors for over 20 years. Mr. Blackman’s experience includes asset level real estate lending, real estate loan syndications, REIT corporate banking and real estate investment banking.
Tremont Mortgage Trust (Nasdaq:TRMT) is a real estate finance company that focuses primarily on originating and investing in first mortgage loans secured by middle market and transitional commercial real estate. Tremont Mortgage Trust is managed by Tremont Realty Advisors LLC, an SEC registered investment adviser, which is an indirect subsidiary of The RMR Group Inc.
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