TSM1T Tallinna Sadam AS

Tallinna Sadam signed an agreement with JetGas OÜ for development of new terminal

Tallinna Sadam signed an agreement with JetGas OÜ for development of new terminal

AS Tallinna Sadam (hereinafter as Tallinna Sadam) and JetGas OÜ (hereinafter as JetGas) signed an agreement for establishment of a liquefied methane terminal in Muuga Harbour. According to the agreement, JetGas will build a liquified methane terminal with up to five storage tanks in stages, with a connecting pipeline to the quayline, by 2030 at the latest. The launch of the first stage of the terminal with the construction of one tank is planned for the end of 2027.

"The construction of the liquefied methane terminal is the result of a tender process initiated last spring, the aim of which was to find new operators for vacant areas of Muuga Harbour. The new terminal and cooperation with JetGas, as a long-term player in the energy products market, will bring us additional vessel calls and cargo volumes and will create opportunities for the transport sector when switching to more environmentally friendly fuels," Valdo Kalm, the Chairman of the Management Board of Tallinna Sadam, welcomed the new cargo operator.

Janek Parkman, chairman of the JetGas Management Board, said that it is very important for JetGas to offer its customers energy products with a smaller carbon footprint than before. "Construction of the new liquefied methane terminal in Muuga Harbour will allow us to obtain primarily bioLNG, but also other methane fuels in larger consignments from the world market, resulting in cheaper prices and better security of supply," said Parkman.

Tallinna Sadam launched a competition to find cooperation partners for the development of the 7.6 ha area located in the eastern part of the largest cargo port in Estonia - Muuga Harbour - in spring. A superficies right agreement was signed with JetGas for an area of ​​approx. 7,000 m2 with a term of 30 years.

In addition to right of superficies revenues the project will create new freight charges and vessel dues income for the port, while no new investments are requiered from Tallinna Sadam.

Tallinna Sadam is one of the largest cargo- and passenger port complexes in the Baltic Sea region. In addition to passenger and freight services, Tallinna Sadam group also operates in shipping business via its subsidiaries – OÜ TS Laevad provides ferry services between the Estonian mainland and the largest islands, and OÜ TS Shipping charters its multifunctional vessel Botnica for icebreaking and offshore services in Estonia and projects abroad. Tallinna Sadam group is also a shareholder of an associate AS Green Marine, which provides waste management services.

Additional information:

Angelika Annus

Head of Investor Relations




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