VERK Oyj's Capital Markets Day program 30 May 2024 – welcome to follow the live webcast's Capital Markets Day program 30 May 2024 – welcome to follow the live webcast's Capital Markets Day program 30 May 2024 – welcome to follow the live webcast Oyj                 INVESTOR NEWS                 29 May 2024 at 12:00am, a Finnish pioneer of e-commerce, will arrange a Capital Markets Day tomorrow, on Thursday 30 May 2024. The live webcast and the presentations will start at 12:30 and end at approx. 15:35. At the event, the company’s management will discuss the cornerstones of the updated strategy to accelerate profitable growth and the journey toward financial targets during the strategy period. Institutional investors, equity analysts and media representatives have been invited to attend.

The cornerstones of's strategy are growing the current business faster than the market, new openings, such as assortment expansion, own brand products and new markets, significant growth of the services business, and stronger profitability by continuously developing our own operations and platform. We aim for growth by accelerating the online shift by making shopping fast, extremely convenient and affordable.

It is possible to follow the presentations through live broadcast, questions can be asked and comments sent throughout the event. The event language is English.

Link to the event can be found on the investor's website:

Agenda and schedule for the webcast (times are Helsinki time, EEST):

at 12:30    We will change the retail in Finland

                Panu Porkka, Chief Executive Officer


                How do we make shopping fast and extremely convenient

                Nina Anttila, Chief Supply Chain Officer


                Winning assortment boosted by our own brands

                Tatu Kaleva, Chief Commercial Officer

at 13:50    Break

at 14:10   New business models and international expansion

                Jyrki Tulokas, Chief Strategy and Technology Officer

                Our strong brand

                Suvituuli Tuukkanen, Chief Marketing Officer

                The most efficient retail operations

                Jesper Blomster, Chief Financial Officer

                Q&A session, all presenters

Approx. at 15:35 End of the event

Recordings of all presentations and presentation materials will be available on the event page after the event

Welcome to join us online! Oyj

For further information, please contact Marja Mäkinen, Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications, , 9 on verkkokaupan edelläkävijä ja intohimoisesti asiakkaan puolella. vauhdittaa kaupan siirtymistä verkkoon Suomen nopeimmilla toimituksilla ja äärimmäisen sujuvalla asioinnilla. Yritys haastaa markkinan tarjoamalla tunnin toimitukset lähes 700 000 asiakkaalle, voittavan valikoiman ja todennäköisesti aina halvimmat hinnat, sekä pyrkii joka päivä löytämään tehokkaampia tapoja ylittää asiakkaiden odotukset ja luoda uusi normi ostamiselle ja omistamiselle. on perustettu vuonna 1992 ja on ollut verkossa ensimmäisestä päivästä lähtien. Yhtiön liikevaihto vuonna 2023 oli 503 miljoonaa euroa ja se työllistää noin 700 henkilöä. on listattu Nasdaq Helsingissä.



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