VLTSA Voltalia

Results of Voltalia's third employee share ownership plan

Results of Voltalia's third employee share ownership plan

Results of Voltalia's third employee share ownership plan

Voltalia (Euronext Paris, code ISIN: FR0011995588), an international player in the renewable energy sector, has announced the great success of its third employee share ownership plan, launched on May15, 2024

Voltalia has once again decided to involve its employees in its entrepreneurial project and in the creation of financial value.

Building on the success of its two previous employee shareholding operations, in 2019 and 2022, a new plan was offered to Voltalia employees in France, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and the United Kingdom.

A total of 53.7% of eligible employees invested in Voltalia SA under this plan.

The shareholding breaks down as follows: 64.8% in France, 64.7% in Italy, 59.5% in Brazil, 51.7% in Spain, 36.2% in Portugal, 32.6% in Greece and 25.4% in the United Kingdom.

For this plan, employees in France, Brazil, Portugal and the United Kingdom were offered the option of holding their shares via a company mutual fund (FCPE). Employees in other countries continue to hold their shares directly.

In accordance with the initial timetable for the operation, the shares were delivered to employees on June 27, 2024 and will be available on June 1, 2029 (except in the event of early release).

Following delivery of the shares in this third shareholder plan, the employee shareholder base now represents 0.34% of Voltalia SA's share capital.

"We are proud of the success of this third employee share ownership plan, which gives Voltalia employees a long-term stake in the value creation of their company." said Sébastien Clerc, Chief Executive Officer of Voltalia.

Next on the agenda: Turnover for the 2nd quarter of 2024, July 24, 2024 (after market close)

A propos de Voltalia ()
Voltalia is an international player in renewable energies. The Group produces and sells electricity from its wind, solar, hydro, biomass and storage facilities. It has 3 GW of capacity in operation and under construction, and a portfolio of projects under development with a total capacity of 16.6 GW.

Voltalia is also a service provider, supporting its renewable energy customers at every stage of their projects, from design to operation and maintenance.

A pioneer in the business market, Voltalia offers a comprehensive range of services to businesses, from the supply of green electricity to energy efficiency services and the local production of its own electricity.


With more than 1,850 employees in 20 countries on 3 continents, Voltalia has the capacity to act globally on behalf of its customers.


Voltalia is listed on the Euronext regulated market in Paris (FR0011995588 - VLTSA) and is included in the Enternext Tech 40 and CAC Mid&Small indices. The company is also included in the Gaïa-Index, the responsible mid-cap index.
Loan Duong, Director of Communications & Investor Relations

Email :

T. +33 (0)1 81 70 37 00
Seitosei Actifn

Press Contact: Jennifer Jullia


T. +33 (0)1 56 88 11 19




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