CGM Cegedim SA

Correction: Cegedim: Termination and implementation of a new liquidity contract

Correction: Cegedim: Termination and implementation of a new liquidity contract






Cegedim: Termination and implementation of a new liquidity contract

Boulogne-Billancourt, France, March 3, 2025

Cegedim (ISIN Code: FR0000053506) terminated the previous liquidity contract with Kepler Cheuvreux on February 28, 2025.

As of that date, the following assets were booked to the liquidity account:

       19,478 Cegedim shares

        64,286.78 euros

Cegedim announces that it has entrusted Rothschild Martin Maurel with the implementation of a liquidity and market surveillance contract for its ordinary shares, with effect from March 3, 2025, and for a period of one year, tacitly renewable. This contract has been drawn up in accordance with current regulations, and in particular AMF Decision 2021-01 of 22 June 2021. It complies with the code of conduct of the Association Française des Marchés Financiers (AMAFI).

The purpose of this agreement is for Rothschild Martin Maurel to act as a market maker for Cegedim shares on the regulated market of Euronext Paris in order to promote the liquidity of transactions and the regularity of the listing of Cegedim shares.

The resources allocated to its implementation are:

       19,478 Cegedim shares

        64,286.78 euros

This contract will be suspended in the cases provided for in article 5 of the AMF Decision; or at the request of Cegedim for technical reasons (e.g., the counting of shares with voting rights before a general meeting or the counting of shares with dividend rights before the coupon is detached) for a period defined by Cegedim.

About Cegedim:

Founded in 1969, Cegedim is an innovative technology and services group in the field of digital data flow management for healthcare ecosystems and B2B, and a business software publisher for healthcare and insurance professionals. Cegedim employs nearly 6,700 people in more than 10 countries and generated revenue of over €654 million in 2024.

Cegedim SA is listed in Paris (EURONEXT: CGM).

To learn more please visit:

And follow Cegedim on X: @CegedimGroup, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Aude Balleydier


Media Relations

and Communications Manager

Tel.: +33 (0)1 49 09 68 81

Damien Buffet


Head of Financial


Tel.: +33 (0)7 64 63 55 73

Céline Pardo

Becoming RP Agency

Media Relations Consultant

Tel.:        +33 (0)6 52 08 13 66





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