Mahaut Arnaud ...
  • Paul de Froment
  • Thomas Mordelle

Tomra Systems: Regulatory tailwinds, strategic discipline - Upgrade to Buy

Given Tomra’s stronger fundamentals, regulatory momentum, and disciplined execution, we have updated our estimates to reflect strengthened growth outlook. This leads us to upgrade our rating from NEUTRAL to BUY. Our updated DCF model (9.0% WACC, 2% LTG), points to a PT of NOK200 (vs. old-PT at NOK1

Bryan Garnier
Bryan Garnier

Since 1996, Bryan, Garnier & Co has been growing with an absolute conviction that the investment banking landscape would experience a major revolution: most of the large local generalist banking groups will disappear to the benefit of a handful of global powerhouses, and an emerging group of independent, highly specialised boutique investment banks.

Mahaut Arnaud

Paul de Froment

Thomas Mordelle

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