Arnaud Riverain

CAPELLI - RN S1 : Capelli se refonde / Achat Spéc. - sous-revue

  • CA S1 52,5 M€ -51% / Marge brute 11,4% vs 24,1% au S1 2022/23 ;
  • Résultat opérationnel courant -9 M€ vs +8,1 M€ / Résultat net -17 M€ vs +4,3 M€ ;
  • Gearing 3,95x vs 3,1x au 31/03/2023 ;
  • Accord de co-développement avec Sogeprom pour 700 M€ HT de projets.

Capelli. Capelli SA is a France-based company engaged in the real estate development sector. The Company focuses on the property development and real estate promotion. The Company, along with its subsidiaries, is active in the provision of housing construction (group and individual) and carrying out the development of land areas (plot of building land). The Company operates in three countries, including France, Switzerland and Luxembourg. The Company holds stakes in various entities, including SAS 2C AMENAGEMENT, SAS CAPELLI PROMOTION, CAPELLI LUX SA, SNC LES COTEAUX DE LOGRAS, SCI LES JARDINS DE LEANE, SNC CAPELLI B1, SNC CAPELLI B2, SNC CAPELLI B3, SNC ORANGE and SAS CAPELLI FINANCEMENT, among others.

GreenSome Finance
GreenSome Finance

​The independent financial analysis dedicated to Small & Mid Caps. Established in 2011, GreenSome Finance specializes in independent financial analysis and financial advice to SMEs, listed and unlisted. Our role is to support managers in their strategy of value creation.

Our jobs:

  • Equity analysis and institutional marketing
  • Establishment and validation of business plan
  • Expertise and independent business valuation

Our strengths:

  • A historic and recognized skills on the Small Cap market
  • An entrepreneurial culture that combines a customized offer, proximity and reactivity
  • A structure certified Listing Sponsor and Analysts members of the SFAF (French Society of Financial Analysts)



Arnaud Riverain

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