Emittent / Herausgeber: HRK LUNIS AG / Schlagwort(e): Fusionen & Übernahmen/Private Equity Private Equity-Gesellschaft Seven2 wird Mehrheitseigentümerin des bankenunabhängigen Vermögensverwalters HRK LUNIS (News mit Zusatzmaterial) 28.03.2025 / 09:15 CET/CEST Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. Pressemitteilung 28.03.2025 Private Equity-Gesellschaft Seven2 wird Mehrheitseigentümerin des bankenunabhängigen Vermögensverwalters HRK LUNIS Frankfurt, 28.03 2025 – Der bankenunabhängige Vermögen...
Ilkka Oyj:n vuosikertomus 2024 on julkaistu Ilkka Oyj Pörssitiedote 28.3.2025, klo 10.15ILKKA OYJ:N VUOSIKERTOMUS 2024 ON JULKAISTUIlkka Oyj:n vuosikertomus vuodelta 2024 on julkaistu. Vuosikertomus sisältää tilinpäätöksen ja toimintakertomuksen, joka sisältää kestävyysraportin, selvityksen hallinto- ja ohjausjärjestelmästä sekä toimielinten palkitsemisraportin.Tilinpäätös julkaistaan myös European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) raportointivaatimusten mukaisena XHTML-tiedostona. ESEF-vaatimusten mukaisesti konsernitilinpäätöksen päälaskelmat ja liitetiedot on merkitty XBRL-m...
EQS-News: COBCO / Mot-clé(s) : Accord COBCO et Umicore signent un accord stratégique de fourniture de matériaux actifs pour cathodes de précurseur pour batteries de véhicules électriques 28.03.2025 / 09:00 CET/CEST JORF LASFAR, Maroc, 28 mars 2025/APO Group/ -- COBCO, société joint-venture entre AL MADA et CNGR Advanced Materials spécialisée dans la production de matériaux pour batteries, a signé un accord stratégique à long terme avec Umicore, leader mondial de la technologie des matériaux circulaires, pour la fourniture de matériaux actifs pour cathodes de précurseur (pCA...
EQS-News: COBCO / Key word(s): Agreement COBCO and Umicore Sign Strategic Supply Agreement for Precursor Cathode Active Materials for Electric Vehicle (EV) Batteries 28.03.2025 / 09:00 CET/CEST The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. JORF LASFAR, Morocco, March 28, 2025/APO Group/ -- COBCO, the battery materials joint venture between AL MADA and CNGR Advanced Materials, has signed a strategic long-term supply agreement with Umicore, a global leader in circular materials technology, for the delivery of precursor cathode active materials (pCAM...
Iceland Seafood International hf: Results of the Annual General Meeting on March 26th, 2025 The Annual General Meeting og Iceland Seafood International hf was held, 26th March 2025. Attached are results of the meeting. Attachment
Three Directors at HDFC Asset Management Co Ltd sold after exercising options/sold 19,651 shares at between 4,002.240INR and 4,117.940INR. The significance rating of the trade was 76/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretion...
Two Directors at Spetz Inc sold 700,000 shares at between 0.373CAD and 0.460CAD. The significance rating of the trade was 62/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last tw...
EQS-News: GRAMMER Aktiengesellschaft / Schlagwort(e): Jahresergebnis Geschäftsjahr 2024: GRAMMER stellt Weichen für die Zukunft 28.03.2025 / 09:00 CET/CEST Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. Geschäftsjahr 2024: GRAMMER stellt Weichen für die Zukunft GRAMMER legt Kurs für die Zukunft fest: strukturelle Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Stärkung der finanziellen Stabilität in schwierigem Umfeld erfolgreich umgesetzt Umsatzerlöse erreichen 1.921,7 Mio. EUR, operatives EBIT liegt bei 41,6 Mio. EUR, EBIT einschl...
EQS-News: GRAMMER Aktiengesellschaft / Key word(s): Annual Results Financial Year 2024: GRAMMER sets the course for the future 28.03.2025 / 09:00 CET/CEST The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Financial Year 2024: GRAMMER sets the course for the future GRAMMER sets the course for the future: structural measures for increased competitiveness and greater financial stability successfully implemented in a challenging environment Revenue at EUR 1,921.7 million, operating EBIT at EUR 41.6 million and EBIT including restructuring expenses at ...
We believe Zalando’s recent share price weakness (down c. 20%) is overdone. 1/ The company’s statement that Q1 started as Q4 ended implies that there is no slowdown of growth. 2/ Zalando has no exposure to the US, i.e. tariff uncertainty should hardly affect the company. We therefore reiterate our Outperform rating on Zalando with a TP of € 40. Q1 2025 should be a first catalyst and 2025 should be a good year with accelerating growth and further margin progress.
It's early days, but we are on the lookout for any signs of a loss of confidence in the dollar. Could gold's ongoing rally be telling us something? And are there any signs that foreigners are starting to leave the US Treasury market? In theory, today should be a mildly positive day for the dollar if US core PCE inflation stays sticky, but pricing has been soft
Below are some key highlights from yesterday's CMD. We remind that Umicore announced a € 1-1.2bn adjusted EBITDA target for 2028 with the upside vs our € 0.8bn forecast coming from both Battery Materials as well Catalysis, which is guided to further grow share in the LDV market. We will up our forecasts somewhat following the CMD. Even after yesterday's share rebound, valuation seems attractive and we maintain our Accumulate rating and € 12 target price.
Nach einer erfolgreichen Restrukturierung hat sich die Marinomed Biotech AG neu aufgestellt. Nach der Insolvenz im August 2024 stabilisierte das Unternehmen seine Finanzlage durch den Verkauf des Carragelose-Geschäfts an Unither Pharmaceuticals für bis zu 20 Mio. € und fokussiert sich nun vollständig auf die Marinosolv-Plattform. Marinosolv ist eine innovative Technologie zur verbesserten Löslichkeit und Bioverfügbarkeit schwerlöslicher Wirkstoffe, insbesondere für immunologische und entzündlich...
Hiab updates its segment reporting structure CARGOTEC CORPORATION, STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE, 28 MARCH 2025 AT 10:00 AM (EET) Hiab updates its segment reporting structure In accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting on 26 March 2025, the name of the company will be changed from Cargotec Corporation to Hiab Corporation as of 1 April 2025. An IFRS 8 evaluation was made for the new standalone Hiab company and based on the evaluation and as previously announced on 7 January 2025, Hiab has as of 1 January 2025 two reporting segments, Equipment and Services, with reporting to com...
Hiab päivittää segmenttiraportointirakennettaan CARGOTEC OYJ, PÖRSSITIEDOTE, 28. MAALISKUUTA 2025 KLO 10.00 Hiab päivittää segmenttiraportointirakennettaan Varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen 26.3.2025 tekemän päätöksen mukaisesti yhtiön nimi muutetaan Cargotec Oyj:stä Hiab Oyj:ksi 1.4.2025 alkaen. Uudelle itsenäiselle Hiab-yhtiölle tehtiin IFRS 8 -arviointi, ja arvioinnin perusteella ja kuten aiemmin 7.1.2025 ilmoitettiin, Hiabilla on jatkossa kaksi raportointisegmenttiä, Laitteet ja Palvelut, jotka raportoidaan Hiabin osavuosikatsauksessa tammi-maaliskuulta 2025 alkaen. Laitteet-raportointiseg...
Changes in the number of own shares held by Aktia Bank Plc Aktia Bank PlcStock Exchange Release28 March 2025 at 10.00 a.m. Changes in the number of own shares held by Aktia Bank Plc Aktia Bank Plc has today, based on a decision made by the company's Board of Directors, divested a total of 2,000 own shares held by the company to one person as part of the Restricted Share Plan. The divestment of own shares is based on the authorisations by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 3 April 2024. After the above-mentioned divestment, a total of 54,708 shares remain in the company’s ...
Muutoksia Aktia Pankki Oyj:n hallussa olevien omien osakkeiden määrässä Aktia Pankki OyjPörssitiedote28.3.2025 klo 10.00 Muutoksia Aktia Pankki Oyj:n hallussa olevien omien osakkeiden määrässä Aktia Pankki Oyj on tänään luovuttanut yhtiön hallituksen päätöksen nojalla yhteensä 2 000 yhtiön hallussa olevaa omaa osakettaan yhdelle henkilölle osana ehdollista osakepalkkiojärjestelmää (Restricted Share Plan). Omien osakkeiden luovutus perustuu varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen 3.4.2024 antamiin valtuutuksiin. Edellä mainitun luovutuksen jälkeen yhtiön hallussa on yhteensä 54 708 osaketta. Aktia Pa...
Aura Minerals Successfully Starts Ramp-Up at Borborema, On Schedule, Within Budget, and Setting an ESG Benchmark ROAD TOWN, British Virgin Islands, March 28, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aura Minerals Inc. (TSX: ORA) (B3: AURA33) (OTCQX: ORAAF) (“Aura” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that production ramp-up at its Borborema Mine (“Borborema” or “Mine”) has commenced. The mine and plant are currently in operation and the Company expects to achieve commercial production by Q3 2025. Borborema is poised to become a cornerstone asset for Aura, expected to have the second-highest annual pr...
Ändringar i antalet egna aktier i Aktia Bank Abp:s besittning Aktia Bank AbpBörsmeddelande28.3.2025 kl. 10.00 Ändringar i antalet egna aktier i Aktia Bank Abp:s besittning Aktia Bank Abp har idag med stöd av ett beslut av bolagets styrelse överlåtit totalt 2 000 Aktia-aktier i bolagets besittning till en person som en del av det villkorade aktieincitamentsprogrammet (Restricted Share Plan). Överlåtelsen av aktier är baserad på bemyndiganden av den ordinarie bolagsstämman 3.4.2024. Efter ovan nämnda överlåtelse har bolaget sammanlagt 54 708 aktier i sin besittning. Aktia Bank Abp Mera i...
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