Christophe DOMBU

2016, a decisive year for Quantum Genomics

Quantum Genomics develops cutting edge drugs (Brain Amino- Peptidase Inhibitors, BAPAIs) for cardiovascular diseases, with unmet medical needs, and more specifically, resistant hypertension and heart failure. The company just announced it successfully completed the recruitment of the Phase 2a trial for QGC001, a first-in-class drug candidate for the treatment of hypertension. Preliminary results are expected in Q3-2016, ahead of schedule, and could provide the first proof of efficacy for BAPAIs to treat cardiovascular diseases. 2016 is therefore an important year for Quantum Genomics, since it would benefit the company’s strategy to address this highly lucrative market, which has seen little innovation in recent years. In order to maximise the value of its drug portfolio, Quantum Genomics is also developing its drug in heart failure, another major segment in the market of cardiovascular diseases, and intends to initiate a second phase 2 trial on this indication by mid-2016. The company may also reap the benefits from its development strategy if its partner in animal health exercises an option to further develop Quantum’s drug for veterinary use. Considering the potential of each program, we increased our valuation of Quantum Genomics to €16.78/ share.

Quantum Genomics

Quantum Gernomics is a biotechnology firm specializing in the development of innovative drugs to combat cardiovascular diseases. Run by professionals in creating and managing technological start-ups and drug development, as well as researchers and inventors, Co. has established contractual relations with institutions of academic excellence in France (Inserm, CollA


​First French company dedicated to life sciences and healthcare company financing, Aurgalys assists private or listed companies during capital increase, provides equity research or valuation services, takes care of investor relations and assists the management for their strategy and business development. Listing Sponsor Alternext (NYSE Euronext). Conseil en Investissement Financier ORIAS - ACIFTE.

Christophe DOMBU

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