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Steeper US Yield Curve Changes Investment Landscape

​The US Treasury yield curve has steepened since the US Presidential Election, as bond investors increasingly discount fiscal stimulus.

A steeper term structure for US interest rates will have implications for US equity market dynamics, as well as the conduct of Fed policy.

Desaque Macro Research
Desaque Macro Research

​DeSaque Macro Research Limited was formed by Said DeSaque in April 2012 with the intention of delivering independent global macro investment insights and new thematic long-term ideas to investors, along with an agnostic opinion of the markets.

Said DeSaque has over 29 years of experience working as a professional economist in financial services, primarily based in London. His working role has involved extensive travel around the world, bringing him into contact with investors of different cultural backgrounds and investment requirements. Prior to establishing DeSaque Macro Research, Said held positions as Senior Economist and Investment Strategist at US banks Robert W Baird and William Blair. He began his career as a graduate at PaineWebber in 1986, where he became Head of the London Economics Department in 1996. This role allowed him to engage with senior investment professionals, alongside regulators and provided a unique perspective of market intelligence at work. 

Said Desaque

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