
Pacific Edge - CMS reimbursement obtained

Pacific Edge announced that it has successfully gained inclusion into a local coverage determination (LCD) enabling reimbursement at US$760 per test from the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This reimbursement decision covers the Cxbladder Detect and Cxbladder Monitor products that currently account for 93% of the total laboratory throughput in the US for Cxbladder products. This is a transformative milestone for Pacific Edge as it should lead to greater usage of Cxbladder (both from CMS and private payers) as well as payment on tests previously performed. As a reminder, 21,789 Cxbladder tests were performed on CMS patients as of 31 March 2020, accounting for 43% of US commercial tests.
Pacific Edge Ltd

Pacific Edge is engaged in the biotechnology research, development and the commercialization of methods of early detection and treatment of cancers and other genetics diseases.

Edison Investment Research
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Sean Conroy

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