EUR 193.80 For Business Accounts Only

SRI Quantitative KPIs

Les analyses Gaïa sont des analyses ESG (Environnement, Social, Gouvernance) dediees aux entreprises de tailles intermediaires (PME, ETI) françaises. Elles presentent 120 indicateurs quantitatifs sur les trois derniers exercices.

STEF-TFE is a provider of transport and logistic services for food products requiring specific temperature control within Europe. Co. divides its operation into four segments: Transport in France (transportation of fresh and frozen products, transportation of seafood and organization of international transport activities); Logistics in France or STEF Logistique (logistics for fresh and frozen products for industrial players, mass retail and the food-service industry); STEF International (international activities in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Benelux, Switerland and U.K.); and Maritime activities (maritime services, passengers and freight, and maritime brokerage).


​EthiFinance is a CSR rating and consulting agency. We accompany investors and companies in the management of risks and opportunities related to sustainable development. We offer investors ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) analyses of issuers, as well as other services. Created in 2004, EthiFinance has become a European leader in the rating of small and medium-sized companies, listed or non-listed.

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