Aktsiaselts Infortar signed a share purchase agreement to acquire a 100% shareholding at Tallinna Raamatutrükikoja Osaühing

Aktsiaselts Infortar signed a share purchase agreement to acquire a 100% shareholding at Tallinna Raamatutrükikoja Osaühing

Aktsiaselts Infortar (registry code: 10139414) and ViroInvestment OÜ (registry code: 16894198) signed a share purchase agreement on September 13, 2024 to acquire a 100% shareholding at Tallinna Raamatutrükikoja Osaühing (TRT) (registry code: 10224203).

According to the agreement, obtaining approval from the Competition Authority and completion of additional operations are preconditions for closing of the transaction.

“Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda is one of the most recognized players in its field. In many manufacturing and export industries, consolidation is a common trend and key to unlocking additional efficiencies. This helps secure positions in both domestic and international markets," noted Priit Tamme, Deputy Managing Director of Infortar.

TRT main area of activity is printing of books, approximately 5 million printed materials are produced annually. The company employs 104 people and it´s production and warehouse space is approximately 8,000 sqm.

Aktsiaselts Vaba Maa (acquired in 2004) belongs to Aktsiaselts Infortar, along with CardPlus VM OÜ, which specializes in the personalization of plastic cards. In August 2016, Aktsiaselts Printon, primarily focused on the book printing market, joined the group.

The transaction is not considered as a transaction beyond everyday economic activities or a transaction of a significant importance, nor it is regarded as a transaction with related persons, under the "Requirements for Issuers" section of the NASDAQ Tallinn Stock Exchange rules. The transaction does not have a significant impact on Aktsiaselts Infortar's activities. The members of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board of Aktsiaselts Infortar have no personal interest in the transaction in any other way.

Aktsiaselts Infortar operates in seven countries, the company's main fields of activity are energy, maritime transport, and real estate. Aktsiaselts Infortar owns a 68.47% stake in Aktsiaselts Tallink Grupp, a 100% stake in AS Eesti Gaas and a versatile and modern real estate portfolio of approx. 113,000 m2. In addition to the three main areas of activity, Aktsiaselts Infortar also operates in construction and mineral resources, agriculture, printing, taxi business and other areas. A total of 104 companies belong to the Aktsiaselts Infortar group: 95 subsidiaries, 4 affiliated companies and 5 subsidiaries of affiliated companies. Excluding affiliates, Aktsiaselts Infortar employs 6,625.

Additional information:

Kadri Laanvee

Investor Relations Manager





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