Arnaud Riverain

DBT (ALDBT) - CA 2024 : R3, pépite de DBT ? / Achat Spéculatif - Obj. 2,07 € vs 3,1 € v

CA 2024 de 10,2 M€ -4,9% vs 10,7 M€ attendu
DBT CEV (ventes de bornes) 7,7 M€ -10%
Ingénierie 1 M€ -33%
R3 (opérateur) 1,45 M€ +143% vs 1,1 M€ attendus
Douaisienne de Basse Tension SAS

DBT SA, formerly Douaisienne de Basse Tension SAS is a France-based company that designs and manufactures energy supplying units for public places. The Company provides electric and water distribution units, including up to 12 x 16A single phase outlets and up to 4 water distribution taps, recharging units and boxes for electrical vehicles and retractable access control bollards and deterrent systems. The Company also manufactures electric current transformers for domestic and industrial use. Douaisienne de Basse Tension SAS has a network of distribution agents in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden. In 2011, the Company launched its US subsidiary, DBT USA.

GreenSome Finance
GreenSome Finance

​The independent financial analysis dedicated to Small & Mid Caps. Established in 2011, GreenSome Finance specializes in independent financial analysis and financial advice to SMEs, listed and unlisted. Our role is to support managers in their strategy of value creation.

Our jobs:

  • Equity analysis and institutional marketing
  • Establishment and validation of business plan
  • Expertise and independent business valuation

Our strengths:

  • A historic and recognized skills on the Small Cap market
  • An entrepreneurial culture that combines a customized offer, proximity and reactivity
  • A structure certified Listing Sponsor and Analysts members of the SFAF (French Society of Financial Analysts)



Arnaud Riverain

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