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Damien Choplain ... (+2)
  • Damien Choplain
  • Martial Descoutures

CP All Plc: 1 director

A director at CP All Plc sold 1,145,100 shares at 52.500THB and the significance rating of the trade was 74/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly s...

Carine Maciol
  • Carine Maciol

BPCE : BPCE a enclenché la vitesse supérieure

L’année 2024 à peine achevée, sur une performance opérationnelle solide, 2025 débute sur les chapeaux de roue avec deux annonces majeures, un projet de partenariat en AM avec Generali et le lancement du chantier de fusion des systèmes informatiques de ses deux réseaux. Ambitieux et sur un temps long (2030), le nouveau plan stratégique, lancé à l’été dernier, n’en est pas moins crédible – et pour cause, force est de constater que sa mise en œuvre s’opère sur un rythme dynamique et que nombres d’o...

Carine Maciol
  • Carine Maciol

BPCE : BPCE shifts into high gear

Barely had 2024 drawn to a close, with strong operating results, and 2025 is off to a flying start with two major announcements: a partnership project in AM with Generali and the launch of a project to merge the IT systems of its two networks. Ambitious and long-term (2030), the new strategic plan, launched last summer, is no less credible – and for good reason, as it is being implemented briskly and a number of major deals have already been announced. These developments will boost the group's r...


Zydus entre en négociations exclusives avec PAI Partners et d'autres a...

VALENCE, France & AHMEDABAD, Inde--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Regulatory News: Zydus Lifesciences Limited2 (« Zydus »), un leader mondial des sciences de la vie axé sur l’innovation, est entré en négociations exclusives en vue d’acquérir auprès de PAI Partners, du management d’Amplitude Surgical, et de deux actionnaires minoritaires3, 85,6% du capital social d’Amplitude Surgical (ISIN : FR0012789667, Ticker : AMPLI, éligible au PEA-PME) (« Amplitude Surgical » ou la « Société »), à un prix de 6,25 € par action Amplitude Surgical (l’« Acquisition du Bloc »). Le prix d’acquisition représente une prime ...


u-blox unveils DAN-F10N: Redefining what’s possible with the most comp...

u-blox AG / Key word(s): Product Launch/Delisting u-blox unveils DAN-F10N: Redefining what’s possible with the most compact and reliable dual-band GNSS antenna module 11.03.2025 / 09:26 CET/CEST Breaking boundaries in GNSS technology with a revolutionary, ready-to-use solution for reliable positioning and seamless integration. Thalwil, Switzerland – March 11, 2025 – u-blox (SIX:UBXN), a global leader in positioning and short-range communication technologies for automotive, industrial and consumer markets,  has achieved what was once thought impossible with the launch of the  - the ...


Changes in Marimekko’s management

Changes in Marimekko’s management Marimekko Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, 11 March 2025 at 10.30 a.m. EETChanges in Marimekko’s management  Chief Business Development Officer and member of the Marimekko Management Group Riika Wikberg will resign from her role to move into entrepreneurship. Riika’s last day at Marimekko will be 10 June 2025. The recruitment of her successor has started. “I would like to warmly thank Riika for her years at Marimekko. Riika has played a significant role in the long-term development of Marimekko’s business and sustainability work. I wish her all the b...


Muutoksia Marimekon johdossa

Muutoksia Marimekon johdossa Marimekko Oyj, Pörssitiedote 11.3.2025 klo 10.30Muutoksia Marimekon johdossa Marimekon liiketoiminnan kehityksestä vastaava johtaja (CBDO) ja johtoryhmän jäsen Riika Wikberg jättää tehtävänsä siirtyäkseen yrittäjäksi. Riika Wikberg työskentelee Marimekon palveluksessa 10.6.2025 asti, ja hänen seuraajansa rekrytointi on aloitettu.  ”Haluan lämpimästi kiittää Riikaa hänen Marimekko-vuosistaan. Riikalla on ollut merkittävä rooli yhtiömme pitkäaikaisessa liiketoiminnan ja vastuullisuustyön kehittämisessä. Toivotan hänelle kaikkea hyvää uusiin haasteisiin”, sanoo M...

Chi Kan Holdings Limited: 1 director

A director at Chi Kan Holdings Limited sold 70,000,000 shares at 0.670HKD and the significance rating of the trade was 72/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two y...

ABGSC Shipping & Transport Research ... (+4)
  • ABGSC Shipping & Transport Research
  • Martin Mauseth
  • Oliver Dunvold
  • Petter Haugen

ABGSC Shipping Daily 11 March

Mixed tanker markets, dry bulk up, LPG down; Shipping peer group trades at P/NAV 0.65x; 2020 Bulkers: Implied Q1 EBITDA of USD 4m, in line with cons; HSHP: Converts to fixed rate TCs for two vessels; Car shipping: Chinese passenger car export: -8% m-o-m in February, +17% y-o-y; Global LNG exports f

Carsten Brzeski
  • Carsten Brzeski

German politics experiences another disappointing 24 hours

Developments over the last 24 hours suggest the risk has increased that CDU/CSU and SPD will not get a 2/3 majority for their draft law to implement a fiscal stimulus package

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