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Chemours Company, (The): Update after conclusion of ratings review

Our credit view reflects Chemours' leading TiO2 market position, advantaged TiO2 cost position and expected growth in the TSS business over time, but tempered by potential PFAS liabilities.
Chemours Co.

Chemours is a provider of performance chemicals. The company has three reportable segments: Fluoroproducts, Chemical Solutions, and Titanium Technologies. The company's Fluoroproducts segment is a provider of fluoroproducts, including refrigerants and industrial fluoropolymer resins. The company's Chemical Solutions segment is a North American provider of industrial chemicals used in gold production, industrial, and consumer applications. The company's Titanium Technologies segment is a provider of titanium dioxide pigment, a white pigment used to deliver whiteness, brightness, opacity, and protection in a variety of applications.

Moody's Investors Service
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