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Mapletree Logistics Trust: Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of Mapletree Logistics Trust, reflects its stable income from its diversified portfolio of good-quality logistics assets and high appetite for growth through acquisitions.
Mapletree Logistics Trust

Mapletree Logistics Trust Management Limited. Mapletree Logistics Trust is a logistics real estate investment trust. The principal activity of the Company and its subsidiaries is to invest in a portfolio of logistics properties with the primary objective of achieving an attractive level of return from rental income and for long-term capital growth. The Company invests in a portfolio of logistics real estate in Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, China, Malaysia and Vietnam. The Company's tenants and the clients are engaged in a range of economic activities, ranging from food and beverage, to materials, construction and engineering. The Company's property portfolio includes Coles Chilled Distribution Centre, ISH WaiGaoQiao, Mapletree Xi'an Distribution Centre, Mapletree AIP, Northwest Logistics Park, Mapletree Wuxi Logistics Park, Mapletree Yangshan Bonded Logistics Park, Ouluo Logistics Centre, Mapletree Logistics Centre-Yeoju and Mapletree Zhengzhou Logistics Park. Its manager is Mapletree Logistics Trust Management Ltd.

Moody's Investors Service
Moody's Investors Service

Moody's Investors Service is a leading provider of credit ratings, research, and risk analysis. Moody's commitment and expertise contributes to transparent and integrated financial markets, protecting the integrity of credit. Our ratings and analysis track debt covering more than:

  • 130 countries
    11,000 corporate issuers
    21,000 public finance issuers
    76,000 structured finance obligations

Credit ratings and research help investors analyze the credit risks associated with fixed-income securities. Such independent credit ratings and research also contribute to efficiencies in fixed-income markets and other obligations, such as insurance policies and derivative transactions, by providing credible and independent assessments of credit risk.

Moody’s default studies validate our predictive ratings. Our published research and investor briefings draw thousands of attendees each year and keep investors current with the rationale underlying our credit opinions. 

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