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Russel Metals, Inc.: Update following the outlook change

CORPORATES CREDIT OPINION 8 September 2017 Update RATINGS Russel Metals, Inc. Domicile Ontario, Canada Long Term Rating Ba3 Type LT Corporate Family Ratings - Fgn Curr Outlook Positive Please see the  ratings section  at the end of this report for more information. The ratings and outlook shown reflect information as of the publication date. Contacts Brian Oak 212-553-2946
Russel Metals Inc.

Russel Metals is a metals distribution company operating in various locations within North America. Co. primarily distributes steel and other metal products in three principal business segments: metals service centers, energy products, and steel distribution. Co.'s network of metals service centers carry a line of metal products in a range of sizes, shapes and specifications. Co.'s energy products operations carry a product line focused on the needs of its energy industry customers. Co.'s steel distributors act as master distributors, selling steel to other metals service centers and equipment manufacturers.

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