Stephan Bogner

Two of the greatest diamond mine discoverers see mounting evidence for large diamonds at Arctic Star‘s newly discovered Sequoia Kimberlite, Diagras Project, NWT

First, in 1991, Chuck Fipke co-discovered what became North America‘s first diamond mine: Ekati. Then, a year later in 1992, Buddy Doyle co-discovered the Diavik Diamond Mine in the same Lac de Gras Kimberlite Field in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Back then, both used different methods of exploration to make their respective multi-billion-dollar diamond finds. Now, both still-hungry prospectors, again using different methods of scientific research, found indications pointing to the existence of large diamonds at Arctic Star Exploration Corp.‘s recently discovered diamond-bearing Sequoia Kimberlite Complex. As it‘s highly unlikely to find a large diamond in the very first drill holes, today‘s news from Arctic Star is arguably as good as it gets.

Arctic Star Exploration Corp

Arctic Star Exploration is a junior natural resource company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties. Co. is in the process of exploring its resource properties and has not determined whether these properties contain mineral reserves which are economically recoverable. The recoverability of amounts shown for resource properties and related deferred costs is dependent upon the discovery of economically recoverable reserves, the ability of Co. to obtain necessary financing to complete the development and future profitable production from the property or proceeds from its disposition.

Rockstone Research
Rockstone Research

Rockstone is a research house specialized in the analysis and valuation of capital markets and publicly listed companies. The focus is set on exploration, development and production of resource deposits as well as marcoeconomic analysis of commodity and currency markets. Our international team of five analysts bring our German and English speaking readership a wealth of experience from the commodity markets: Stephan Bogner (mining analyst), John P. Barry (professional geologist), Chris Berry (macroeconomist), Prof. Dr. Hans Bocker (award-winning book author), and Boris Gerjovic (fundamental analyst).

Stephan Bogner

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